Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Real Housewives of New Jersey
Ok, I have been busy, but I have also been bursting at the seams!! I think that Teresa is slowly having a nervous break down!! I can't believe some of the things that are coming out of her mouth! I just have to start with the comment that she made to Melissa, about how Melissa wants to be her so bad, that she even copied her glitter eye shadow! "EYE SHADOW!!" I can't even begin to understand this. Does she really think that because Melissa wore glitter eye shadow, she wants to be her??? I mean that is just pure CRAZY, and you are all witnessing it right in front of your eyes!! She is such a disgrace to her supposedly amazing family! I just have to go back a couple of years ago, at the Brownstone, did everyone not see her just about flip the table over, while screaming at the top of her lungs??? I mean, come on people!!! This of course all happened in front of the kids, but that is o.k., because Teresa does not care what she says in front of her kids, and this was evident all year, when you could always hear the comments that they make, like "Daddy is sleeping in his "OWN" room, or the ever popular, mocking their Aunt Melissa, in front of Joe and Teresa, who as they watch this behavior they are laughing!! I mean they were laughing, out loud, not like when your kids say a bad word, and you try not to laugh so you can tell them that it was a bad word, but you really just want to laugh, kind of thing. Teresa and Joe however, they laugh, and they don't even try to hide their laughter, this behaviour is expected of a child, but not 2 grown adults! I just can't wait till this Sunday for the finally!!! karen♥
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Real Housewives of New Jersy
Hey Real Housewives fans, My computer is broken ,so I haven't been able to post, but I totally agree with Heather about Teresa!! I can't wait till tonight, it is part 1 of the reunion show. I do think that she has lost her mind. I also wonder if she thinks that everyone is so stupid that they can't figure out what is going on. I can't believe that she really doesn't think her husband is having an affair!!! Anyone who watches that little bit of the show where he was calling his "office" and doesn't think that he is obviously having an affair is as delusional as she is!!!!! My husband calls the office on occasion, and not once has he ever said to anyone that works for him, or anyone who he works for him, "Here comes my bitch wife", and "she is such a c#%t" I have never in the 25 years that we have been married heard him ever use that word, nor has he ever referred to me as his Bitch wife!!! I wish I could be a fly on the wall at her house!!! I think it is funny that there daughter outed them that they have separate bed rooms!! haha. I can't wait for tonight, I am giddy with excitement!!! Kim D is absolutely a piece of work!! I wonder why they brought her out all of a sudden. I do have to love Melissa's husband, rushing to be with her when this creep is talking about her. In one way it is like we are in High School, and in another way it is like so sweet!!hahaha I hope my computer is fixed soon, I am using my son's right now, but I will check in with you after the reunion. Get out the popcorn!! LOL Talk to you soon Just Sayin' Karen♥

Thursday, September 20, 2012
Big Brother
I h ave just one thing to say!! (I know it is not possible right) O.K. a couple things to say, First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS IAN!!!!!! I knew you could do it!! I am so glad that you beat Dan!! I used to think that he was a really good player, but now I can see that his morals are so out of WHACK, that he swore on the Bible, ( which, some people don't believe in the Bible, or God,) so I gave him that, and said he just must not believe, that is how he swore on the Bible, cause he doesn't believe, so it doesn't make a difference. However, he then swore on his wedding rings, again a Horrifying thing to do, but again, maybe he doesn't believe in God, but then does that mean anything, if he was married in the church, so on that point, he is back to does he believe in God, or is his marriage a fraud also?!? Getting past that, he gave Ian his Grandfathers chain that he never takes off, regardless if it had a cross on it(which it does) it was his grandfathers. I am all for the scheming that must go on to play the game, but when you lose every moral, or anything that is sacred to you, religious or not, it is not worth the game!!! Shame on you Dan!! I do also want to say that IAN, was so excited to be there, among all the players that he admired from the age of 10 when he started watching the show, and he managed to win AND keep his morals!!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Honey Boo Boo
Hi all, and by all I do mean Heather!!! I know I am late with this, but I just had to write!! # ingredients
1.Ketchup, butter, and pasta!! This was one of the meals that June(the mother of Alana,) (honey Boo Boo)
served her family!!! I was actually gagging while I was watching!! I can not for the life of me figure out why this family as a combined unit, had a total weight loss of I think 3 lbs.!!! I also read in a magazine that June(mother) was arrested before for stealing, and Sugar bear, was also arrested for theft and destruction of a hunting camp!! I am just shocked!! I felt that it was a big lie, especially when you think that this poor woman who lives with her boyfriend, who chews so much tobacco, and carries an empty water bottle(a clear water bottle) UGGHHH and that her 17 year old daughter Anna but not the daughter of Sugar bear, and is pregnant, or Pumpkin who is 12, the daughter who acts like she was left in the woods as a baby, and brought up by a bunch of wild boar, she is also not the daughter of Sugarbear. Then there is the other daughter Cubbs who is 16, and she is kind of the "quiet" one. and yet still not a child of Sugar Bear, Then there is Alana,who is the one that this show is supposed to be about, and the ONLY daughter of Sugar bear!!! Yay!!!! However Sugar bear has to work 7 days a week to support all these people that he is not even related to, besides Alana!!! OHHHH Before I go, I saw on a tv entertainment show, that show that showed Anna with her newborn baby in a shopping mall, with "Pumpkin" who took the baby's pacifier, and dipped it into what looks like Red Bull!!!! I cannot understand how this family even survives in the real world!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
1.Ketchup, butter, and pasta!! This was one of the meals that June(the mother of Alana,) (honey Boo Boo)
served her family!!! I was actually gagging while I was watching!! I can not for the life of me figure out why this family as a combined unit, had a total weight loss of I think 3 lbs.!!! I also read in a magazine that June(mother) was arrested before for stealing, and Sugar bear, was also arrested for theft and destruction of a hunting camp!! I am just shocked!! I felt that it was a big lie, especially when you think that this poor woman who lives with her boyfriend, who chews so much tobacco, and carries an empty water bottle(a clear water bottle) UGGHHH and that her 17 year old daughter Anna but not the daughter of Sugar bear, and is pregnant, or Pumpkin who is 12, the daughter who acts like she was left in the woods as a baby, and brought up by a bunch of wild boar, she is also not the daughter of Sugarbear. Then there is the other daughter Cubbs who is 16, and she is kind of the "quiet" one. and yet still not a child of Sugar Bear, Then there is Alana,who is the one that this show is supposed to be about, and the ONLY daughter of Sugar bear!!! Yay!!!! However Sugar bear has to work 7 days a week to support all these people that he is not even related to, besides Alana!!! OHHHH Before I go, I saw on a tv entertainment show, that show that showed Anna with her newborn baby in a shopping mall, with "Pumpkin" who took the baby's pacifier, and dipped it into what looks like Red Bull!!!! I cannot understand how this family even survives in the real world!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Monday, September 10, 2012
Ok, I just watched RHWNJ, and Watch What Happens Live, and I am definitely convinced that Teresa is CRAZY!! I really used to like her, in the past, and I was watching so older seasons over the weekend, and she used to not be CRAZY! I have yet to figure out exactly when it changed, but I am thinking between 2008, and 2010. I know I spoke about Joe's phone call that he "had to make to his work" you know the one where he called his wife a C^%*!! On "Watch What Happens Live", which Teresa was a guest on, Andy Cohen said to Teresa, or asked her if she could guess what question was the most asked about question that he received, and she said no, and it was about this incident, the incident that she absolutely believes her husband when she saw it and asked him about it, and he told her that he was talking to his friend Alby, (I know what are the chances that there are 2 Alby's in their lives) and then Alby handed the phone to someone who "works for him" that does not speak English!! I am blown away that she does not think he is having an affair!!! She BELIEVE'S HIM!!!!! He is a liar, and she is CRAZY!! Even on last night's show, he tells her to "Shut-Up" and tells her that things are not her business. She says that "if" he is having an affair, she would definitely divorce him! Oh they also made sure that somehow they could bring the subject of Joe sleeping in his own room, according to his kids, so that Teresa could say that he was sleeping in her bed. She said something like "Aren't you g;ad to be home sleeping in our own bed?" and he said " I am so glad to be back in "OUR" own bed" Ridiculous! The rest of the show was very boring, although I have to say that Teresa's daughter Gabriella, is so cute. There is so much attention put on their kids Milania (who is such a HUGE brat, and Gia, who is just always center of attention, and Gabriella is just a good kid, that they never talk about her, but they showed her while they were getting things ready for school, and compared to her sisters (who all look like Monkeys) she is really pretty. Well, tonight is RHNY, and Gallery girls, and The Voice starts tonight!! I am so excited!!! Have a great day!! Just Sayin' karen♥
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Big Brother
Hi Reality lovers!!! I have not yet written about Big Brother, not because I don't watch it, or not because I don't love it, because I do, I just have been happy with how it was going. I started panicking last week, when Frank got voted out!! I secretly wanted him to make it to the end, but my most favorite is Ian!! He is just the cutest thing ever!!! I love the fact that he has been watching since he was 10, remembers everything that ever happened, and then got his dream which was to get into the Big Brother House himself! I started losing my mind when Dan put him up. I hate Dan, I know that you have to lie in this game, but he swore on his wife and his marriage!! Nobody should swear on their marriage!! Anyway after he did that to Frank, he turned on Ian, and then put Ian up on the block, he told Ian that it was for a pawn, but he wanted to get him out and tried to get everyone to vote him out, so when he won the Veto, I was SO HAPPY!!!!! I knew that they couldn't keep Ian down. I got so excited when I saw that the Veto competition was a puzzle!! The best competition for Ian because he is a brainiac!!!! I literally yelled!! Then it was the Head of Household competition and it was a memory game, which again is Ian's best competition, and when he won, I beamed from ear to ear!! I have never gotten that excited over any reality show, so I just had to say WAY TO GO IAN!!!! But all of them better get that scum Dan out, because I also hate his voice, and I don't want to listen to it anymore!!!!
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Reality Mash-Up!!
Hi Reality Junkies,
I have been so busy this week, (Of course not to busy to watch my reality shows, just to write about them) I have decided that until I catch up on my reality shows, the titles of all my rants will be Mash-Ups!!! Now, where to begin...... I don't think that I have chatted about Real Housewives of New York, so here goes! Sometimes when I watch this show, I have to pinch myself, so I can make sure that I am really awake, and watching, or that I am in some cosmic universe, and that these people don't really exist in the same universe as I do! I guess that I am going to start with Ramona, I almost feel that all I have to say, is Ramona, and everyone in the world would nod together and say yup, I gotcha! It is like she is possessed by not someone, but something, and I am not sure what that something is. I know a few years ago when she was at a pool get together at her home with friends, her daughter Avery, was horrified, screamed at her, and ran in the house out of such utter embarrassment, and this embarrassment has happened more than once. So when I see the things that have been happening lately, I am wondering where Avery is, because Ramona, is so over and passed embarrassing, that I expect to see Avery's head just blow completely off her shoulders!! I am assuming that the money that Ramona is now making on RHONY, benefits Avery so much, that she just doesn't give a crap. This week, Ramona, and her joint at the hip cohort (Sonja the Toaster Oven Queen) this is a different subject, that really deserves it's own week, were out of control. The girls were all invited to St Bart's with Carole who was going, and was also going to be meeting her boyfriend Russ, but other than that, it was going to be a "girls" weekend. However, Aviva who doesn't like to travel on planes, especially small ones, was not going to be able to go, but her husband Reed had offered to fly with her, so she would not miss out on the weekend. So if you count Carole's boyfriend Russ, and Aviva's husband Reed, it is not a strictly "girl's" weekend. So the fact that Sonja and Ramona knew that these two guys were coming, maybe skinny dipping, swimming naked, or just topless was not exactly a smart thing to be doing. There was already a little hard feelings about Aviva bringing her husband, and by hard feelings, I mean full bad mouthing behind Aviva's back, but because the night before Luann brought Tomas, the French Johnny Depp look-a-like for a little slap and tickle, I guess that skinny dipping would not be the biggest scandal on the island!! Now Luann is absolutely denying that this occurred, even though the show translated a phone call that she made in french telling him that he has to deny that he was there the night before!! Don't these people remember that they are wearing microphones, and that there are cameras everywhere?!?!? So getting back to when Aviva arrived with Reed, and Ramona and Sonja were naked in the pool, Reed said a quick hello, and said he was going straight to his room, because it was a girls weekend, and he brought a ton of work, and he would out of their sight!! Well then it comes out that it was a good that he was going to his room, because they were not happy that he was there. At this point Aviva flies out of control, that the girls not only should not be talking about how they were going to tell Reed that he had to go to a hotel!! Aviva was furious and felt they should all go up to Reed and hug him and thank him for bringing her to St Barts, because if he didn't, she wouldn't be there!! I think that Aviva has major issues!! I have seen this side of her come out a couple of times before, and thank god we know that this will not be the last!! Enough about these crazy ladies!! .... Dance Mom's!!! My niece was so excited because Brooke,Paige, Chloe, and their mom's were in Ma. a couple of weeks ago, and she was able to take a dance class with them!!! She was so beyond excited, and who could blame her, I think that the girls on this show are some of the most talented young girls in the country, so I guess with that I have to say that with that comes the statement that I hate to make, that Abby is, and has to be one of the best dance instructors in the country!!! I just wish that she would not put so much pressure on these little girls. Everyone knows that Maddy is probably the most talented girl there, but I also think that if Abby gave the other girls the attention that she gives to Maddy, and now that adorable little McKenzie (I am not sure if that is spelled right) they could all be just as great! I hate the way that she stresses these kids out so much, that if they don't point a toe on stage, she tells them right after that they ruined the whole dance! Don't get me started on that damn pyramid!!! I have noticed lately that little by little she seems to be softening. I just don't know how she can put 6 kids in the same category, and then expect them all to come in first!! I also wish Brooke would work on her posture, I think that this is the reason for a lot of her back problems!! So for the most part I have nothing new to say about Dance Mom's this week! I know I am shocked also, but I did want to mention that my adorable niece that took the dance class with Brooke Chloe, and Paige had an awesome, and she also, and this is what I am most proud of, she made a scrapbook of them, and gave it to them, and they LOVED IT!!!! They took the time with her, and they looked at it with her, and then they took pictures with her and the scrapbook!!! I can't take credit for her awesome dancing, but I will take total credit for her awesome scrapbooking technique!!!!! I can't wait till next week when Phsyco Cathy will be back, with her cute little but talent less Vivi-Anne!!!(again not sure about the spelling) How Cathy puts that little girl in a dance to stand in the back and make a pose, or be lifted up by one of the older girls, because she doesn't know how to, nor do I think that she likes to dance. I think that it is horrible that by putting that little girl in the dance, she can enter those older girls in a younger category, so hopefully they could beat all the other little girls, it is disgusting!! I also think that it is disgusting the way that Cathy, and I guess all the mom's except for Holly, talk in front of those girls. They should at least wait till Holly herds them all out of the room before the mud slinging starts!! Oh I did want to mention that I had planned on chatting about that show "The Week the Women Left", but I find it boring, and when you watch every reality show possible you have to weed out the boring ones that you know will not be on again. Frankly this show has had the longest week known to man!!!! I did want to talk about Big Brother, but I am so tired, and I know without reading this back that I have not been my funniest(I know this because I am the only person that thinks that I am funny, so I am the best judge of this!) Don't think that I have forgotten about my little Honey Boo Boo Child!!! Thanks for reading, karen♥
I have been so busy this week, (Of course not to busy to watch my reality shows, just to write about them) I have decided that until I catch up on my reality shows, the titles of all my rants will be Mash-Ups!!! Now, where to begin...... I don't think that I have chatted about Real Housewives of New York, so here goes! Sometimes when I watch this show, I have to pinch myself, so I can make sure that I am really awake, and watching, or that I am in some cosmic universe, and that these people don't really exist in the same universe as I do! I guess that I am going to start with Ramona, I almost feel that all I have to say, is Ramona, and everyone in the world would nod together and say yup, I gotcha! It is like she is possessed by not someone, but something, and I am not sure what that something is. I know a few years ago when she was at a pool get together at her home with friends, her daughter Avery, was horrified, screamed at her, and ran in the house out of such utter embarrassment, and this embarrassment has happened more than once. So when I see the things that have been happening lately, I am wondering where Avery is, because Ramona, is so over and passed embarrassing, that I expect to see Avery's head just blow completely off her shoulders!! I am assuming that the money that Ramona is now making on RHONY, benefits Avery so much, that she just doesn't give a crap. This week, Ramona, and her joint at the hip cohort (Sonja the Toaster Oven Queen) this is a different subject, that really deserves it's own week, were out of control. The girls were all invited to St Bart's with Carole who was going, and was also going to be meeting her boyfriend Russ, but other than that, it was going to be a "girls" weekend. However, Aviva who doesn't like to travel on planes, especially small ones, was not going to be able to go, but her husband Reed had offered to fly with her, so she would not miss out on the weekend. So if you count Carole's boyfriend Russ, and Aviva's husband Reed, it is not a strictly "girl's" weekend. So the fact that Sonja and Ramona knew that these two guys were coming, maybe skinny dipping, swimming naked, or just topless was not exactly a smart thing to be doing. There was already a little hard feelings about Aviva bringing her husband, and by hard feelings, I mean full bad mouthing behind Aviva's back, but because the night before Luann brought Tomas, the French Johnny Depp look-a-like for a little slap and tickle, I guess that skinny dipping would not be the biggest scandal on the island!! Now Luann is absolutely denying that this occurred, even though the show translated a phone call that she made in french telling him that he has to deny that he was there the night before!! Don't these people remember that they are wearing microphones, and that there are cameras everywhere?!?!? So getting back to when Aviva arrived with Reed, and Ramona and Sonja were naked in the pool, Reed said a quick hello, and said he was going straight to his room, because it was a girls weekend, and he brought a ton of work, and he would out of their sight!! Well then it comes out that it was a good that he was going to his room, because they were not happy that he was there. At this point Aviva flies out of control, that the girls not only should not be talking about how they were going to tell Reed that he had to go to a hotel!! Aviva was furious and felt they should all go up to Reed and hug him and thank him for bringing her to St Barts, because if he didn't, she wouldn't be there!! I think that Aviva has major issues!! I have seen this side of her come out a couple of times before, and thank god we know that this will not be the last!! Enough about these crazy ladies!! .... Dance Mom's!!! My niece was so excited because Brooke,Paige, Chloe, and their mom's were in Ma. a couple of weeks ago, and she was able to take a dance class with them!!! She was so beyond excited, and who could blame her, I think that the girls on this show are some of the most talented young girls in the country, so I guess with that I have to say that with that comes the statement that I hate to make, that Abby is, and has to be one of the best dance instructors in the country!!! I just wish that she would not put so much pressure on these little girls. Everyone knows that Maddy is probably the most talented girl there, but I also think that if Abby gave the other girls the attention that she gives to Maddy, and now that adorable little McKenzie (I am not sure if that is spelled right) they could all be just as great! I hate the way that she stresses these kids out so much, that if they don't point a toe on stage, she tells them right after that they ruined the whole dance! Don't get me started on that damn pyramid!!! I have noticed lately that little by little she seems to be softening. I just don't know how she can put 6 kids in the same category, and then expect them all to come in first!! I also wish Brooke would work on her posture, I think that this is the reason for a lot of her back problems!! So for the most part I have nothing new to say about Dance Mom's this week! I know I am shocked also, but I did want to mention that my adorable niece that took the dance class with Brooke Chloe, and Paige had an awesome, and she also, and this is what I am most proud of, she made a scrapbook of them, and gave it to them, and they LOVED IT!!!! They took the time with her, and they looked at it with her, and then they took pictures with her and the scrapbook!!! I can't take credit for her awesome dancing, but I will take total credit for her awesome scrapbooking technique!!!!! I can't wait till next week when Phsyco Cathy will be back, with her cute little but talent less Vivi-Anne!!!(again not sure about the spelling) How Cathy puts that little girl in a dance to stand in the back and make a pose, or be lifted up by one of the older girls, because she doesn't know how to, nor do I think that she likes to dance. I think that it is horrible that by putting that little girl in the dance, she can enter those older girls in a younger category, so hopefully they could beat all the other little girls, it is disgusting!! I also think that it is disgusting the way that Cathy, and I guess all the mom's except for Holly, talk in front of those girls. They should at least wait till Holly herds them all out of the room before the mud slinging starts!! Oh I did want to mention that I had planned on chatting about that show "The Week the Women Left", but I find it boring, and when you watch every reality show possible you have to weed out the boring ones that you know will not be on again. Frankly this show has had the longest week known to man!!!! I did want to talk about Big Brother, but I am so tired, and I know without reading this back that I have not been my funniest(I know this because I am the only person that thinks that I am funny, so I am the best judge of this!) Don't think that I have forgotten about my little Honey Boo Boo Child!!! Thanks for reading, karen♥
Monday, August 27, 2012
My Reality Mash Up
Hi All, or at least Hi to any of my 3 followers!! I know it says that I have 4 followers, but I sadly am one of my own followers!! Yes, sad but true!! Anyway, my sister is up visiting from VA, with her 3 beautiful girls, so I have been spending all free time cuddling, with them, so I am going to rant about all the shows that I saw this week all in one post!! Oh where to begin, I guess I have to start with The Real Housewives of NJ!! I guess I have to start with Theresa and Joe, I can not understand how 2 people that are obviously in capable of existing in the real world, are allowed to have children. I am actually convinced that if they did a study of some of the most messed up human beings on the planet, they would find that these messed up people had parents that were as messed up as Theresa and Joe. This week on the show, Joe was not capable of carrying on any one conversation that included more than him knowing his name. Now I am not talking about his whole name, just his first name. Now nothing really happened this week that is really worth mentioning except when they were all having a little birthday celebration for Caroline's 50th birthday!! Everything was going fine, until Joe get's up from the table and says that he has to call work. The first problem of that statement is, Does Joe have a work to call into?, and when he made his call, he went very far from the table, and was clearly talking to someone that was not a person that works with him, or for him.Then Theresa came towards him, he said into the phone, "Here comes my Bitch of a wife!" Then out of the blue he says, "She is such a C%*#@!!! I couldn't believe it!! It is by now clearly he is talking to his mistress, and he is cheating on Theresa!!! So he then says how he has to get off the phone, and Theresa takes this opportunity to have sex in the Vineyard, but Joe want's no part of it, but she pushes, begs, and pleads, till he finally gives in, and they have sex, in full view of the other cast mates, and the camera crew! So Classy!!! I think that is all I have to say on this week. On to Dance Mom's this week I was very surprised to
see Abby is capable of a human emotion other than anger, greed frustration, hatred, spite, and a few other ones that are really only used by a special few people such as Abby. However this week, I saw with my own eyes, Abby use pride, happy, joy, and a few other words that the fact that I am using them in this article my computer should spontaneously blow up! !! Things were going well, Abby told one of the kids other than Maddy that they did a good job!! I know!!!!! It is the ADC's annual recital, and Abby is out for new students!! I also am not understanding why Kelly is not following the doctors instructions and is letting Paige dance at all. You know that Abby is all talk when it comes to kicking kids out, and their contracts. Kelly should just have her wait out the couple of weeks that the doctor wants her off of it. I just want to end this week with a touch on the subject of Teen Mom. This is the final season of the original Teen Mom, and it is a doozy!! I have never liked Farrah, I don't understand her relationship with her and her Mom and Dad. I don't understand why she calls her dad Michael, and her mom,she just calls her mom. I thought that Nichael was her stepdad, but I have since found out that he is her real dad, but then why does she call him Michael?? Anyway, she is a horrible person, the way she treats her mom is disgusting!!! I don't know what happened in the past, but I do know that she called the police on her mom when they had a fight, and her mom was arrested. If her mom was abusing her, then I am glad that she did call the police, but if my mom hurt me in any way, I would never let my mom take care of my child, not for a second, but here is Farrah, giving her child away to her mom for a month, so it will not be so inconvenient for Farrah, now that she is starting school. I also can't believe how Farrah acted in Texas, when she went with her boyfriend of a couple of months. She went to meet his parents, and friends. I was horrified when they were out to dinner, and Daniels step mom mentioned that she always wanted children, and Farrah then proceeds to ask her how old she is, and when the woman said 50, Farrah was so rude, saying "WOW you are out of luck now, so you are so old, you will never have a baby" it was so awful, I can't believe no one punched her out!! Well after non stop talk about marriage, Farrah couldn't understand why her boyfriend of a couple of months never showed up at the hotel, or for the plane ride home!!! That's it for now, karen♥
see Abby is capable of a human emotion other than anger, greed frustration, hatred, spite, and a few other ones that are really only used by a special few people such as Abby. However this week, I saw with my own eyes, Abby use pride, happy, joy, and a few other words that the fact that I am using them in this article my computer should spontaneously blow up! !! Things were going well, Abby told one of the kids other than Maddy that they did a good job!! I know!!!!! It is the ADC's annual recital, and Abby is out for new students!! I also am not understanding why Kelly is not following the doctors instructions and is letting Paige dance at all. You know that Abby is all talk when it comes to kicking kids out, and their contracts. Kelly should just have her wait out the couple of weeks that the doctor wants her off of it. I just want to end this week with a touch on the subject of Teen Mom. This is the final season of the original Teen Mom, and it is a doozy!! I have never liked Farrah, I don't understand her relationship with her and her Mom and Dad. I don't understand why she calls her dad Michael, and her mom,she just calls her mom. I thought that Nichael was her stepdad, but I have since found out that he is her real dad, but then why does she call him Michael?? Anyway, she is a horrible person, the way she treats her mom is disgusting!!! I don't know what happened in the past, but I do know that she called the police on her mom when they had a fight, and her mom was arrested. If her mom was abusing her, then I am glad that she did call the police, but if my mom hurt me in any way, I would never let my mom take care of my child, not for a second, but here is Farrah, giving her child away to her mom for a month, so it will not be so inconvenient for Farrah, now that she is starting school. I also can't believe how Farrah acted in Texas, when she went with her boyfriend of a couple of months. She went to meet his parents, and friends. I was horrified when they were out to dinner, and Daniels step mom mentioned that she always wanted children, and Farrah then proceeds to ask her how old she is, and when the woman said 50, Farrah was so rude, saying "WOW you are out of luck now, so you are so old, you will never have a baby" it was so awful, I can't believe no one punched her out!! Well after non stop talk about marriage, Farrah couldn't understand why her boyfriend of a couple of months never showed up at the hotel, or for the plane ride home!!! That's it for now, karen♥
Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Real Housewives of N. Jersey
Hey All, (I do realize that all is like 3 people) I have been busy, and have not had time to comment on RHNJ!! I feel like last week is just the tip of the ice burg on this crazy trip that these band of misfits is on. I don't know what has happened to Theresa, she is just slowly slipping into that fun place in your brain, where people with delusion go to escape reality!! I did not have my blog up during the start of this situation, but just from what I have been seeing, Theresa and Joe, should both have their children removed from them while they get the help that they clearly need! haha When I saw the girls in the car on the way to see their Aunt Mellisa's singing thing, they were making fun of her in the car! Now I know that kids will be kids, but kids will also repeat what they hear from their parents!! Clearly Theresa, and Joe do not filter their mouths in front of their children! However, they obviously don't mind letting their kids make fun of the Aunt, with such great disrespect!!! Then there is Joe, a RAGING ALCOHOLIC who is at that point for a MAJOR intervention!! He never seems to go anywhere without a bottle or two of wine in his hands. He can no longer form sentences, or remember anything! This little trip that the gang is on is the proverbial train wreck, that we are all waiting for them to run out of tracks! I cringed like I am sure everyone did, when Theresa was speaking to the other campers about how this campsite was so far below her class of friends. I mean FILTER Theresa, FILTER!!!! I could definitely do with out all of the referrals, erections, discussions,jokes, and viewing of the penis' of the guys, but you get what you pay for!! I am so sad for Jacqueline, sometimes I just want to shake her, and get all the rainbows and sunshine out of her head, that leads her to believe that there is good in everyone!! Theresa is bad, she is mean, and manipulative. Wake up Jacqueline!!! Theresa is not trying to get back to being friends, she is actually thinking that she has done no wrong!! She is a liar, sneak, and will do anything to put herself on top, and kick anyone who is trying to get up on that successful
gravy train that she is on, because of all the delusional so called fans of hers!!! I have however been trying to contain myself, and trying to stay calm for this weeks episode!!! We learned a couple of weeks ago from one of Theresa's kids, the ones that Theresa and Joe don't filter themselves in front of, the Theresa and Joe sleep in separate rooms, which clearly means separate BEDS!!!! Which leads up to this past weeks show where they are not as lovey dovey that they have been in the past, and in the previews for this coming week where Joe gets up from the table to "call work" , and when Theresa gets up and starts to go over to see who he is talking to, and into the phone, Joe says, something to the effect of Here comes my BITCH wife, I am gonna have to go!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I have been waiting for Theresa to get hers for soooooooo long!!!! I mean it was bound to happen, I mean when you are married to a drunk with no education, these things are bound to happen. Now on to other news with the Jersey girls, I was so surprised to hear Caroline call her daughter an asshole!!! I mean we all know that she loves her boys, but sometimes she is really mean to her one an only daughter. When Lauren was trying to lose weight, Caroline made no effort to cook some healthy meals, even just 1 time a week, it would show support for her daughter, and that Lauren would see that her mom is routing for her! On the other hand, Lauren thinks she wears a size 8, and is weirdly attached to her brothers, I mean "You are all in your 20's, get a life!!" so there are train wrecks no matter where you go on this show!!! Well I am running out of room, and I still have to get to Dance Moms, so until next time!!! karen♥
gravy train that she is on, because of all the delusional so called fans of hers!!! I have however been trying to contain myself, and trying to stay calm for this weeks episode!!! We learned a couple of weeks ago from one of Theresa's kids, the ones that Theresa and Joe don't filter themselves in front of, the Theresa and Joe sleep in separate rooms, which clearly means separate BEDS!!!! Which leads up to this past weeks show where they are not as lovey dovey that they have been in the past, and in the previews for this coming week where Joe gets up from the table to "call work" , and when Theresa gets up and starts to go over to see who he is talking to, and into the phone, Joe says, something to the effect of Here comes my BITCH wife, I am gonna have to go!!! I LOVE IT!!!! I have been waiting for Theresa to get hers for soooooooo long!!!! I mean it was bound to happen, I mean when you are married to a drunk with no education, these things are bound to happen. Now on to other news with the Jersey girls, I was so surprised to hear Caroline call her daughter an asshole!!! I mean we all know that she loves her boys, but sometimes she is really mean to her one an only daughter. When Lauren was trying to lose weight, Caroline made no effort to cook some healthy meals, even just 1 time a week, it would show support for her daughter, and that Lauren would see that her mom is routing for her! On the other hand, Lauren thinks she wears a size 8, and is weirdly attached to her brothers, I mean "You are all in your 20's, get a life!!" so there are train wrecks no matter where you go on this show!!! Well I am running out of room, and I still have to get to Dance Moms, so until next time!!! karen♥
Monday, August 13, 2012
Honey Boo Boo!!!
OK!!! I like, I am sure the rest of you, have been on pins and needles waiting for this show to come on!!! I was at first thrilled, that it was going to be the train wreck that I thought it was going to be, but after the first episode, which I thought lived up to what I thought it would! I mean there is nothing like watching a bunch of women bobbing for RAW PIGS FEET that have been sitting in the sun for hours rotting, or people swimming in a river with flesh eating bacteria. Although, if you are slightly concerned about losing an ear, or your face to the river, there is always the Mud Flop to cool you down! I do envy these women, or 1 woman, and her girls, bonding together and deciding to lose weight!! I also applaud the mom for not worrying about what people think, and weighing herself on national T.V., and it is not her fault if the average home scale only goes to 300lbs., and that she might have to truck it on down to the local scrap metal yard to be weighed on the scale that they have on the side of the road at that Weigh Station, to weigh the Mac Trucks to make sure that they won't flip over going on an off ramp. We all have our issues!! How about that Sugarbear??? What a guy!! Living with all of this estrogen, no wonder he works 7 days a week!! I mean he has obviously turned to chewing tobacco, to help him cope with the whole situation, and he is also doing his part to save money. With all that chewing tobacco in his mouth, I don't think that there is room for teeth, so he is saving on tooth paste, floss, and the dentist!! Even though he works 7 days a week, he still finds the time to go to one of Alana's beauty pageants, where Alana did not do very well, and as any good dad would do, he went out to get her a pig, to cheer her up, and I just love the fact that although the pig is a boy, Alana has decided to name it Glitzy, and just say that it is a girl so it can just be gay, just like her uncle, who she affectionately calls "Poodle", (because everyone knows that poodles are gay?!?) and as any good gay uncle would do, he took Alana to get her first Mani/pedi, where we all learn that Alanas uncle is missing a toe, and Alana's feet smell so bad that they are compared to Frito's!! Alana's mom, who was taking all the feedback that they got from the judges at the pageant about Alana after she did not do very well to heart, and she called an etiquette coach, to come to the house to help Alana, and her sister "Pumpkin" with their table manners. Now this is the part that really bothered me. I am all for sassy kids that are inappropriate, (as long as they are not mine), but when I watch the behavior of the 12 yr old, "Pumpkin" I am so afraid that her mom is setting her up to never want to better herself, or to act appropriately in front of someone if for some odd reason that she would come in contact with someone outside of the Red Neck Games, or that she would ever go somewhere where Cheese Balls are not a breakfast staple!! I think that it is great that these girls don't care what other people think about them, mostly because I always worry about what other people think about what I do, think, say, and look like. I am glad that she doesn't worry about those things, but I wish that she would think more about how she thinks about herself. Anyway, you have got to love that little Honey Boo Boo, and I am now on a pursuit to get me one of those little pigs!! Talk about CUTE!!!! So as far as this show goes, I can't wait till next week, and I have already been scouring the newspapers to find me one of those food auctions!!!!! What a dream land!!! If anyone hears about one of these please let me know!!! Till next time, Karen♥
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
I want to say hello to the followers that I don't have!!
I am sitting here watching Teen Mom, where Maci and Kyle have bought a new house, and Bentley is just wanting to go back to his mom's house. She has explained that this was their new house, but I am not sure he gets it. Of all the Teen Mom kids, I am so in love with Bentley!! He is the sweetest thing. However, his dad is a dirtball!! Letting his girlfriend ask Bentley in appropriate questions! I do also have to chat about Butch!!! I can't even type his name without laughing so hard that I am crying! Butch has decided to represent himself in court!! I just can't stand it!!! It is so funny!! Of all the people in the world who should not represent himself, Butch is at the top of my list!! I can't wait till Farrah's book comes out, I am going to have a book club on here, so we all (If I get any followers) can talk about the book. I can't wait to find out why she hates her mom, and why she calls her dad Michael. So hopefully if we find a follower or 2 we can chat about all the reality shows that I love to hate and watch faithfully!! Karen♥
Monday, August 6, 2012
Hello Reality Junkies, Like Me!!
Hi to all of you reality t.v. addicts!! I am starting this blog, because my 21 year old daughter is tired of me yelling and talking to the t.v. during all of the reality shows that I watch! I think that I watch every reality show that is on the air. I watch every Real Housewives shows, all of the Bachelor, Bachelorertte shows, any show where the people on it are not allowed to leave the house that they are in, or any show that involves a family or families switching, swapping, following, loving, hating, baby having ,teenage marrying, teeth missing, pawn shopping, swamp diving, tree hauling, alligator hunting, ax swinging, toddler tiara wearing,dance teaching, parental abusing, house hunting, runway walking, trash hoarding, talent searching, cooking, cake baking, cupcake decorating, room designing, singing,acting, idol making, talent finding, virgin diary writing, drug abusing, mob marrying, foul mouthed people, that inhabit the earth, and I love every minute of it!!!! So, if you are like me, stop by, and join in, on my random ranting over all of the wonderful useless reality shows that are on the air!!! Karen♥
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