Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Kim Kardashian and all The Kardashian Krap!!
OK, Let's talk about Kim Kardashian, and her latest pictures!! I don't understand. A few years ago, she was going to be having her pictures taken for Playboy magazine, and she was all like "I don't know if this is what I should be doing, is this like the whole sex tape thing?" What I don't understand is why posing for Playboy was so horrible? She was single, and had no children, so do it if you want. Well, she ended up posing, but she had like ton's of pearls perfectly placed in certain placed so important areas were covered. Now, she is married (for the third time) and has a baby, more money than she can ever spend, and she has posed for pictures for a magazine where she is completely nude! I mean, completely nude, like nothing on, at all, oh except, ironically pearls! Now, Lets move on to Rob Kardashian, Why is no one getting help for him? O.k. it is maybe understandable that he did not go on a ridiculously expensive vacation where he would have to be in a bathing suit, or even just shorts, but he didn't even go to his sisters wedding, which was again insanely expensive, but aside from that, are they so far up each others ass that having this disgustingly expensive 3rd wedding, and making everyone else in the country feel that they are extremely inadequate if Kanye and Kim were not able to shove it in everyone's face that they have more money than God!! Are the Kardashians that hung up in their wealth, that they can't even see that their own brother is in a bad place? I mean he apparently doesn't even go out side, and I haven't seen a photo of him in months, and I am always looking trust me!! I think that the Kardashians need to just take a look in the mirror, and remember that they are famous, just for being famous! Just sayin! Karen♥
Buddy The Cake Boss
Well, I never thought that I would see the day that I would have something bad to say of one of my favorite TV Pastry Chefs, The Cake Boss, Buddy Valastro! He Allegedly was driving his EXTREMLY YELLOW Corvette in Manhattan where he was spotted by police because of the way that he was swerving in traffic. When he was pulled over, he Allegedly told police, "You can't arrest me, I am the cake boss!" and then he asked if they could just put him in a cab. I am hoping that he meant that he was the cake boss and what would people think, I don't think that he meant that he was special and he should be treated specially! Cause as we all know, that phrase, "you can't arrest me, I am....... did not work well for Reese Witherspoon!! LOL The thing that I just don't understand is, these people, and by these people, I mean all of these actors, and actress' (do they use actor, and actress any more, or are they all actors) anyway, I just don't get it, they have more money that most people could ever even dream of, or awake of, so why don't they just hire a car? It just seems like it must be the most simple act, in their acting world, to call a car service, or hire a driver to drive one of their own cars. I mean there are tons of kids that are in college, and have HUGE Tuition bills, my children included, that would jump at the chance to be a driver for someone like Buddy for the night!! Give them $100 for the night, and the actor gets home safely, and they look good helping out a college student, and the kid has a fun story to tweet to their friends when they are done!! It is just so sad. He now has to explain to his kids, or maybe not, I don't know how old they are, but you know they will eventually find out. Bummer Buddy, we all make mistakes, but this just seems like a no brainer! (Oh, and Buddy, BRIGHT YELLOW??? Really????? Just Sayin' Karen♥
Monday, November 10, 2014
Real Housewives of NJ
Hi All,
I was just watching Theresa's daughter Gia's 3KT dance and singing???? Group???? I can not believe that a mother who is going to prison for a year and a half, is leaving her with this video?? Her 13, yes 13 year old is barely wearing clothes. tiny little hot pants, half shirts are so tight, the parents of these CHILDREN, are allowing them to make this video!!!!! I can not understand why they are pimping their kids in this video, then I heard that it was Theresa that paid for them to make the video!! Theresa, the one who has filed for bankruptcy!! The one who was talking to Dina, and saying that every appearance counts, and that she didn't have any money put away for their kids college, the one going to jail, the one who's husband is going to jail, not just jail, Prison, Federal Prison!!! The one who's husband is a raging Alcoholic!!! The one who is going to be taking care of her 4 little girls while she is in Federal Prison!! I just can not believe that she is not putting every penny that she has away for those girls!!! I just can not imagine going to prison for a year and a half, and leaving my 3 little girls, with their alcoholic father who doesn't have a clue how to interact with these girls, or how to parent at all!! I have to think, well I guess I wonder, if it were possible to have her husband go to prison first, and then while he is away the girls will grow, they are going to over 5 years to get older, and more responsible for themselves, they will all be older their ages will be about Gia 18, Gabriella 13, Melania 12, and the baby Adrianna will be 9. That would give them mom time to deal and teach the things that little girls would have to know. The oldest would have graduated from High School, (if there is any money left from paying for the video!) be ready for college, and the middle two will be in middle school, and headed for high school, and the baby will have the older sisters to be there for her!! While we are talking about the kids, that Melania is a huge, horrible, nasty, disrespectful, little brat!! The way she is going, she will be ready to join her mom in prison!!! (Just Kidding) It just makes me so sad that Theresa and Joe felt so above the law, and did what they want, felt that rules and laws were not meant for them, and I just hope that the judge does deport him, the last thing that this country needs is some shmuck that comes to this country, to rip us off, break the laws, and basically just a rotten stupid jerk!!! Itally can have him!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
I was just watching Theresa's daughter Gia's 3KT dance and singing???? Group???? I can not believe that a mother who is going to prison for a year and a half, is leaving her with this video?? Her 13, yes 13 year old is barely wearing clothes. tiny little hot pants, half shirts are so tight, the parents of these CHILDREN, are allowing them to make this video!!!!! I can not understand why they are pimping their kids in this video, then I heard that it was Theresa that paid for them to make the video!! Theresa, the one who has filed for bankruptcy!! The one who was talking to Dina, and saying that every appearance counts, and that she didn't have any money put away for their kids college, the one going to jail, the one who's husband is going to jail, not just jail, Prison, Federal Prison!!! The one who's husband is a raging Alcoholic!!! The one who is going to be taking care of her 4 little girls while she is in Federal Prison!! I just can not believe that she is not putting every penny that she has away for those girls!!! I just can not imagine going to prison for a year and a half, and leaving my 3 little girls, with their alcoholic father who doesn't have a clue how to interact with these girls, or how to parent at all!! I have to think, well I guess I wonder, if it were possible to have her husband go to prison first, and then while he is away the girls will grow, they are going to over 5 years to get older, and more responsible for themselves, they will all be older their ages will be about Gia 18, Gabriella 13, Melania 12, and the baby Adrianna will be 9. That would give them mom time to deal and teach the things that little girls would have to know. The oldest would have graduated from High School, (if there is any money left from paying for the video!) be ready for college, and the middle two will be in middle school, and headed for high school, and the baby will have the older sisters to be there for her!! While we are talking about the kids, that Melania is a huge, horrible, nasty, disrespectful, little brat!! The way she is going, she will be ready to join her mom in prison!!! (Just Kidding) It just makes me so sad that Theresa and Joe felt so above the law, and did what they want, felt that rules and laws were not meant for them, and I just hope that the judge does deport him, the last thing that this country needs is some shmuck that comes to this country, to rip us off, break the laws, and basically just a rotten stupid jerk!!! Itally can have him!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Friday, November 7, 2014
Real Housewives of New Jersey
Hi, It has been so long since I have been hear to rant, and one of my favorite shows to rant about is RHONJ! Theresa and her husband are such a train wreck, that is just so easy to rant about them!! I just love how Theresa defends her husband Joe as he cheats on her, calls her names, ect. Now they are heading to court for so many reasons, and it is disgusting to watch. They are such liars, and the fact that they both should be going to prison, but I really think that they are going to get off with a slight slap on the wrist!! I can't believe that they are not paying their taxes, and that they are filing for bankruptcy, because they have so much credit card debt, but yet somehow they find away to go to their beach house on the Jersey Shore. Just Sayin' Karen♥
Real Housewives of New Jersey
Ok, I have been busy, but I have also been bursting at the seams!! I think that Teresa is slowly having a nervous break down!! I can't believe some of the things that are coming out of her mouth! I just have to start with the comment that she made to Melissa, about how Melissa wants to be her so bad, that she copied her glitter eye shadow! "EYE SHADOW!!" I can't even begin to understand this. Does she really think that because Melissa wore glitter eye shadow, she want's to be her??? I mean that is just pure CRAZY, and you are all witnessing it right in front of your eyes!! She is such a disgrace to her supposedly amazing family! I just have to go back a couple of years ago, at the Brownstone, did everyone not see her just about flip the table over, while screaming at the top of her lungs??? I mean, come on people!!! This of course all happened in front of the kids, but that is o.k., because Teresa does not care what she says in front of her kids, and this was evident all year, when you could always hear the comments that they make, like "Daddy is sleeping in his "OWN" room, or the ever popular, Just Sayin' Karen♥
Hi reality lovers!!! I was catching up on my usual shows, and I have kind of started watching this show called Gallery Girls, and it is a show about art, and these girls that are trying to get into the art world through various ways. Some of them are artists, models,
photography, and some are just trying to get into selling art. The sad part of all of this is that they are all so sad on the inside. Either they don't have the love of their family, like Liz, who is desperate for her dad's love. He is very rich, and very into the art world, but apparently she has been trying to prove herself to him since she started on a downward spiral with drugs, and alcohol. She is clean and sober now, but he is still very guarded. Then there is Claudia, who is probably the most normal of the group. She decided to open a store with Chantal, and one other girl that don't seem to care about the store as much as she does, but why should they, it was Claudia that had to borrow the money from her family to get the store up and running, and it is Claudia who is going to have to be the one to go back to her family and tell them that the money that they lent her, is gone, and they are on their last final notice for their electricity. Chantal is this obnoxious girl, who has the most annoying voice that I have ever heard, and I think that she is trying to have an accent that just comes across as stuck up biotch!!!! She keeps telling everyone that she is this rock star of a model in Japan, and there are billboards up all over of her, which may be true, but unless the people in Japan are all blind, and have been hypnotized into thinking that she is beautiful, I can't even imagine it!! Then there is this girl Amy, she is that girl that wants so much to be wanted by anyone, but she instead gets harassed especially by that girl Liz. Poor Amy tries so hard, and Liz is actually evil, and will talk about her, not just behind her back, but she will do it when they are at a party, and there is a crowd, and she knows that Amy can hear her, and people laugh, but it is soooo mean!!! The sad part of this whole thing, is that they are all a bunch of misfits, just trying to fit in, or be loved by someone for just the simple reason, that is to be loved, but the have to realize that you can not be loved completely, until you love your self completely. Just Sayin' karen♥
photography, and some are just trying to get into selling art. The sad part of all of this is that they are all so sad on the inside. Either they don't have the love of their family, like Liz, who is desperate for her dad's love. He is very rich, and very into the art world, but apparently she has been trying to prove herself to him since she started on a downward spiral with drugs, and alcohol. She is clean and sober now, but he is still very guarded. Then there is Claudia, who is probably the most normal of the group. She decided to open a store with Chantal, and one other girl that don't seem to care about the store as much as she does, but why should they, it was Claudia that had to borrow the money from her family to get the store up and running, and it is Claudia who is going to have to be the one to go back to her family and tell them that the money that they lent her, is gone, and they are on their last final notice for their electricity. Chantal is this obnoxious girl, who has the most annoying voice that I have ever heard, and I think that she is trying to have an accent that just comes across as stuck up biotch!!!! She keeps telling everyone that she is this rock star of a model in Japan, and there are billboards up all over of her, which may be true, but unless the people in Japan are all blind, and have been hypnotized into thinking that she is beautiful, I can't even imagine it!! Then there is this girl Amy, she is that girl that wants so much to be wanted by anyone, but she instead gets harassed especially by that girl Liz. Poor Amy tries so hard, and Liz is actually evil, and will talk about her, not just behind her back, but she will do it when they are at a party, and there is a crowd, and she knows that Amy can hear her, and people laugh, but it is soooo mean!!! The sad part of this whole thing, is that they are all a bunch of misfits, just trying to fit in, or be loved by someone for just the simple reason, that is to be loved, but the have to realize that you can not be loved completely, until you love your self completely. Just Sayin' karen♥
Jessa Duggar
Hey All,
I wanted to talk about Jessa Duggar. I know that the comments she recently made comparing the Holocaust to abortion, are not very popular. I just want to say, that Jessa grew up in a very religious family. She was home schooled my her Mom and other people from the same faith. Their family was never allowed to watch television, unless it was a previously ok'd by her parents. They never went to the movies, and when they first came onto the seen, they made their own clothes, ( they don't anymore, thankfully! LOL) they also have a code word for when they are in New York, or really anywhere that they go, and the code word is for when they are walking down the street, and one of the parents feels that someone on the street, (a female) is wearing what they consider sinful clothing, and when they say the code word the kids are supposed to immediately supposed to look straight down at the ground until they are allowed to look up again! I think that it is funny that their own Mom was a cheerleader in High School, wearing a very short skirt, ect., but now they decided that wearing clothes that make woman desired by a boy or a man is sinful. The girls are getting married to boys/men (Jessa's husband is still in his teens) that they have been (courting) for only months, they never dated anyone else, they have never kissed anyone else. or for that matter, they never even held hands till they were engaged! They even have to have chaperons go on their dates with them, to make sure that they don't hold hands or anything sinful like that! What I don't get is that if they have spent their whole lives being taught that they shouldn't do these things, and their mom and Dad trust them, then why do they need a chaperon the girls are supposedly the ones that have made the rules about dating, so why do they need a chaperon to make sure that they don't break their own rules??? There was even a time that they were saying a prayer before a meal, and Jessa and Ben were sitting next to each other and held hands while the prayer was said, and that caused a little stir within the group! I kinda doubt that God will hold it against them! I just think that at the ages that these girls are, how do they really know if this is the guy for them, they have only known them for a very short time and they have dated no one else. So I know that I was just rambling, but that is why I have my blog, so no one in my family has to listen to me!! LOL Anyway, Jessa has been taught that dinosaurs were never here for millions of years, because nothing was here until Adam and Eve. They are only taught what their religion wants them to be taught, so give her a break, she is just relying on the information that she was given. Just Sayin' Karen♥
I wanted to talk about Jessa Duggar. I know that the comments she recently made comparing the Holocaust to abortion, are not very popular. I just want to say, that Jessa grew up in a very religious family. She was home schooled my her Mom and other people from the same faith. Their family was never allowed to watch television, unless it was a previously ok'd by her parents. They never went to the movies, and when they first came onto the seen, they made their own clothes, ( they don't anymore, thankfully! LOL) they also have a code word for when they are in New York, or really anywhere that they go, and the code word is for when they are walking down the street, and one of the parents feels that someone on the street, (a female) is wearing what they consider sinful clothing, and when they say the code word the kids are supposed to immediately supposed to look straight down at the ground until they are allowed to look up again! I think that it is funny that their own Mom was a cheerleader in High School, wearing a very short skirt, ect., but now they decided that wearing clothes that make woman desired by a boy or a man is sinful. The girls are getting married to boys/men (Jessa's husband is still in his teens) that they have been (courting) for only months, they never dated anyone else, they have never kissed anyone else. or for that matter, they never even held hands till they were engaged! They even have to have chaperons go on their dates with them, to make sure that they don't hold hands or anything sinful like that! What I don't get is that if they have spent their whole lives being taught that they shouldn't do these things, and their mom and Dad trust them, then why do they need a chaperon the girls are supposedly the ones that have made the rules about dating, so why do they need a chaperon to make sure that they don't break their own rules??? There was even a time that they were saying a prayer before a meal, and Jessa and Ben were sitting next to each other and held hands while the prayer was said, and that caused a little stir within the group! I kinda doubt that God will hold it against them! I just think that at the ages that these girls are, how do they really know if this is the guy for them, they have only known them for a very short time and they have dated no one else. So I know that I was just rambling, but that is why I have my blog, so no one in my family has to listen to me!! LOL Anyway, Jessa has been taught that dinosaurs were never here for millions of years, because nothing was here until Adam and Eve. They are only taught what their religion wants them to be taught, so give her a break, she is just relying on the information that she was given. Just Sayin' Karen♥
True Tori
Hey Guys,
I really have been thinking about Tori, Spelling, I was trying to think about when Dean might have started cheating on her. I really don't think that this was the first time that Dean cheated! I remember back when they seemed to argue all the time about how she didn't trust him not to cheat, because he and she cheated on their first spouses, so what would stop him from cheating on her like he did with his first wife? For instance. when he was scuba diving with a female diver, and Tori was so convinced that she went out on a dive with them, she didn't dive, she was pregnant with Stella (I think that it was Stella) but she went out on the boat with them, and was so sick, from being pregnant, and on the boat. I am quite sure why she is still with him, cause from my viewpoint, he is just not worth it, and he appears on her show, that he has quiet a few more issues than just being unfaithful. If she is staying with him because of the kids, she is not doing her children any good, by them constantly yelling, and arguing. I hope that she does a lot of soul searching before she makes her decision to have him stay or go. If she is thinking that a little therapy is going to fix all that is broken in this marriage, she really needs to re-visit her thinking. I do really understand that she wants to be happily married again, and that she could forget that his never happened, but I don't think that it is possible, the most that she can hope for is to start with a clean slate, and forget the past, and move on with the future. I would also like to point out that she is looking very, very skinny, and I know that she was always thin, and that she has basically been pregnant, or just after being pregnant for the past 8 or so years, so we are now seeing her at her weight as it used to be before all of her pregnancy's, but come on, she has the migraines, she has been in and out of the hospital, I really feel bad for her, and I hope that she can get help for herself and her family Just Sayin' Karen♥

I really have been thinking about Tori, Spelling, I was trying to think about when Dean might have started cheating on her. I really don't think that this was the first time that Dean cheated! I remember back when they seemed to argue all the time about how she didn't trust him not to cheat, because he and she cheated on their first spouses, so what would stop him from cheating on her like he did with his first wife? For instance. when he was scuba diving with a female diver, and Tori was so convinced that she went out on a dive with them, she didn't dive, she was pregnant with Stella (I think that it was Stella) but she went out on the boat with them, and was so sick, from being pregnant, and on the boat. I am quite sure why she is still with him, cause from my viewpoint, he is just not worth it, and he appears on her show, that he has quiet a few more issues than just being unfaithful. If she is staying with him because of the kids, she is not doing her children any good, by them constantly yelling, and arguing. I hope that she does a lot of soul searching before she makes her decision to have him stay or go. If she is thinking that a little therapy is going to fix all that is broken in this marriage, she really needs to re-visit her thinking. I do really understand that she wants to be happily married again, and that she could forget that his never happened, but I don't think that it is possible, the most that she can hope for is to start with a clean slate, and forget the past, and move on with the future. I would also like to point out that she is looking very, very skinny, and I know that she was always thin, and that she has basically been pregnant, or just after being pregnant for the past 8 or so years, so we are now seeing her at her weight as it used to be before all of her pregnancy's, but come on, she has the migraines, she has been in and out of the hospital, I really feel bad for her, and I hope that she can get help for herself and her family Just Sayin' Karen♥
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Real Housewives OC, RH New Jersey!
Hi All,
Well rumor has it that Tamra will not be coming back for season 10. Tamra thinks that the producers edited the show to make her look bad, especially when she didn't show up for Lizzy's Birthday! It has to make ya laugh, cause that was the episode that I thought that she could possibly be acting like a parent! You have to wonder, how is it that Tamra never missed a trip for the show, she would hear about the trip, and she would be packed and ready to go on a moments notice! LOL So I have to think that it was kinda funny that she couldn't go to a birthday party for a couple of hours. I think that last season was her absolute down fall, and I think that she knew that if she didn't spice up her roll, she had a very good chance that she would have been dropped! I mean look at her participation in the past season. She had a friend confide in her about her marriage, and she could not keep it in from late morning till lunch! She could not get it out fast enough! The way she acted at the dinner at Lizzies, oh and then there was the completely FAKE reaction to her son getting married!! I mean, what is he 30? The fak e, I am gonna miss you, How can you do this to ME! What am I gonna do with out yoda yada, yada, yada sh could care less!! The way that she abused Shannon, was the last straw for me, and Shannon was right when she told everyone that they would see the truth, and she was right! I for one am glad that she will be gone, I just got a headache whenever she had a scene, that was the time that I got some snacks, so because I got snacks every time the Fake Tamra came on, I have gained 50ibs, I wonder if Tamra will give me a discount to her GYM, since she was the one who is responsible for my weight gain! Oh maybe I shouldn't get a discount, cause now if she is off the show, she could probably use the money!! See Ya Tamra!!! Karen♥
I just want to touch on the part 2 reunion for just a second, cause that was about how long that Andy gave to any other subject other than Theresa and Joe! I think that this subject has been talked to death! They lied, they cheated, they stole, ect. They have to pay the price! Joe should get deported, why should he be able to stay? There are people that do come from other countries, and they work hard, and the pay their taxes, and don't steal from the government! I think that they got what they deserved!! The ones that everyone should be worried about is their kids! The judge that thought that she was doing them a favor by letting them go to jail at separate times, but by leaving them in Joes hands, is scary. he is unable to care for them, he has no clue how to parent, although actually neither does Theresa!! They are spoiled brats, they are being left with an admitted alcoholic who has never cared for them in his entire life!! Someone should petition the courts, and ask if Joe could go first, that way the kids will all be about 5 years older, and hopefully they will be more self reliant and Theresa could prepare them for what is going to happen to her!! So I feel bad for the kids, and I do feel bad for Theresa and Joe, but not for the time that they will be serving in jail, but for the time that they will serve every day for the rest of their lives, knowing that their greed did this to their kids, and their family!! I hope that it was worth it!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Well rumor has it that Tamra will not be coming back for season 10. Tamra thinks that the producers edited the show to make her look bad, especially when she didn't show up for Lizzy's Birthday! It has to make ya laugh, cause that was the episode that I thought that she could possibly be acting like a parent! You have to wonder, how is it that Tamra never missed a trip for the show, she would hear about the trip, and she would be packed and ready to go on a moments notice! LOL So I have to think that it was kinda funny that she couldn't go to a birthday party for a couple of hours. I think that last season was her absolute down fall, and I think that she knew that if she didn't spice up her roll, she had a very good chance that she would have been dropped! I mean look at her participation in the past season. She had a friend confide in her about her marriage, and she could not keep it in from late morning till lunch! She could not get it out fast enough! The way she acted at the dinner at Lizzies, oh and then there was the completely FAKE reaction to her son getting married!! I mean, what is he 30? The fak e, I am gonna miss you, How can you do this to ME! What am I gonna do with out yoda yada, yada, yada sh could care less!! The way that she abused Shannon, was the last straw for me, and Shannon was right when she told everyone that they would see the truth, and she was right! I for one am glad that she will be gone, I just got a headache whenever she had a scene, that was the time that I got some snacks, so because I got snacks every time the Fake Tamra came on, I have gained 50ibs, I wonder if Tamra will give me a discount to her GYM, since she was the one who is responsible for my weight gain! Oh maybe I shouldn't get a discount, cause now if she is off the show, she could probably use the money!! See Ya Tamra!!! Karen♥
I just want to touch on the part 2 reunion for just a second, cause that was about how long that Andy gave to any other subject other than Theresa and Joe! I think that this subject has been talked to death! They lied, they cheated, they stole, ect. They have to pay the price! Joe should get deported, why should he be able to stay? There are people that do come from other countries, and they work hard, and the pay their taxes, and don't steal from the government! I think that they got what they deserved!! The ones that everyone should be worried about is their kids! The judge that thought that she was doing them a favor by letting them go to jail at separate times, but by leaving them in Joes hands, is scary. he is unable to care for them, he has no clue how to parent, although actually neither does Theresa!! They are spoiled brats, they are being left with an admitted alcoholic who has never cared for them in his entire life!! Someone should petition the courts, and ask if Joe could go first, that way the kids will all be about 5 years older, and hopefully they will be more self reliant and Theresa could prepare them for what is going to happen to her!! So I feel bad for the kids, and I do feel bad for Theresa and Joe, but not for the time that they will be serving in jail, but for the time that they will serve every day for the rest of their lives, knowing that their greed did this to their kids, and their family!! I hope that it was worth it!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Below Deck, Kourtney& Khloe Take The Hamptons
OMG!!! I just got through watching the Below Deck Reunion, and I am just so irritated!! Let's start with the whole Kelly and Jennice "relationship"!!! I just can't get over this whole nightmare for poor Jennice! Kelly was so obnoxious chasing Jennice, constantly chasing her, begging her to be with him, following her around like a fricken puppy dog, looking for it's mom!! Everywhere she went, he was there. Whether it was at the bar when she was trying to talk to other people, threatening any of the guys who were trying to talk to her. He was the one crying, begging, chasing, and then kissing her out of the blue all after she constantly telling him that she didn't want to be with him, and then when he finally wore her down, she took care of him when he got so wasted on his birthday, that he puked all the way back to the boat, which is when he fell on his elbow and hurt it so that he had to baby it the next day and she took care of him the next morning, cause he was so hung over that she let him sleep longer! Let's not forget that all that day, he still followed her around!! Then to see the things that he was doing and saying on all social media was sickening!! She didn't chase him, he chased her!! As far as her not being pretty enough to be with him, is so crazy, and for him not to man up and say I think that she is beautiful, and I was so fricken lucky that she would even consider being with him!!!
I would now like to discuss Kourtney&Khloe take the Hamptons! I know, these Kardashians are taking the world! I think that there are at least 1 of them on each continent at all times!! You don't always know that they are there, but they are!! When you least expect it, they show up! (clearly not anywhere I go could be cause I don't even leave the state) I have to start off with, I know it is not the popular opinion, but I feel bad for Scott. I know he has his issues, but Kourtney rules him with a cash filled fist! Imagine that you have no say where you go, or how you get there, you aren't allowed to sleep with your live in girlfriend, or I guess since she actually makes the money, he is the live in boyfriend. You are not allowed to sleep in her bed cause that is where she keeps her collection of children that he helps her make, without even knowing it! Although I don't know why he is always surprised when she gets pregnant, it is the one time that he is allowed in the bed at a certain time during the month! It kinda cracks me up when she tells him that she is pregnant, and he gets all upset cause it is a big responsibility to raise them, the funny part is, that he really isn't allowed to raise them! He is allowed to play with them every once in a while, but then she snatches them back into her "parenting bed", that doesn't even allow the other parent in!! I also think that it is funny that she claims that she wont marry him because when her parents got divorced it was the worse experience of her entire life, and she wont do that to her kids! Now, I am probably way off base here, but, and again this is my unprofessional opinion, but, does she not think that her children would go through the exact same feelings that she went through when her parents got divorced, because the same thing would happen, their dad would not be living with them anymore and they would leave their mom every other week, and vacations, ect. Although, since the Kardashian's will soon rule the world, and make all the laws, Scott would never see them at all! He has to realize that Kourtney is using him to make babies for her that all have the same dad!! I mean if she really loved him, why would she lock him off the Hamptons property where they are staying? All he did was go into "the city" I love when people call New York, "the city" to host a party, and get paid so he would feel a little masculine, cause you know when he gets home from where ever he goes, she promptly confiscates his balls when he gets home every day! I picture a blue glass jar with a green cover, with a numbered keypad, so he can't get them out and has to grow a pair, every time he leaves the house!! Just a quick mention about Khloe, who doesn't love Khloe??? I feel so bad for her, she just loved Lamar so much, and I know she still does, can you imagine loving your hubby, or wife so much, and know that you have no say in the fact that you have to leave the marraige! I don't know who this French person is, but I feel if she is happy more power to her!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
I would now like to discuss Kourtney&Khloe take the Hamptons! I know, these Kardashians are taking the world! I think that there are at least 1 of them on each continent at all times!! You don't always know that they are there, but they are!! When you least expect it, they show up! (clearly not anywhere I go could be cause I don't even leave the state) I have to start off with, I know it is not the popular opinion, but I feel bad for Scott. I know he has his issues, but Kourtney rules him with a cash filled fist! Imagine that you have no say where you go, or how you get there, you aren't allowed to sleep with your live in girlfriend, or I guess since she actually makes the money, he is the live in boyfriend. You are not allowed to sleep in her bed cause that is where she keeps her collection of children that he helps her make, without even knowing it! Although I don't know why he is always surprised when she gets pregnant, it is the one time that he is allowed in the bed at a certain time during the month! It kinda cracks me up when she tells him that she is pregnant, and he gets all upset cause it is a big responsibility to raise them, the funny part is, that he really isn't allowed to raise them! He is allowed to play with them every once in a while, but then she snatches them back into her "parenting bed", that doesn't even allow the other parent in!! I also think that it is funny that she claims that she wont marry him because when her parents got divorced it was the worse experience of her entire life, and she wont do that to her kids! Now, I am probably way off base here, but, and again this is my unprofessional opinion, but, does she not think that her children would go through the exact same feelings that she went through when her parents got divorced, because the same thing would happen, their dad would not be living with them anymore and they would leave their mom every other week, and vacations, ect. Although, since the Kardashian's will soon rule the world, and make all the laws, Scott would never see them at all! He has to realize that Kourtney is using him to make babies for her that all have the same dad!! I mean if she really loved him, why would she lock him off the Hamptons property where they are staying? All he did was go into "the city" I love when people call New York, "the city" to host a party, and get paid so he would feel a little masculine, cause you know when he gets home from where ever he goes, she promptly confiscates his balls when he gets home every day! I picture a blue glass jar with a green cover, with a numbered keypad, so he can't get them out and has to grow a pair, every time he leaves the house!! Just a quick mention about Khloe, who doesn't love Khloe??? I feel so bad for her, she just loved Lamar so much, and I know she still does, can you imagine loving your hubby, or wife so much, and know that you have no say in the fact that you have to leave the marraige! I don't know who this French person is, but I feel if she is happy more power to her!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Wednesday, October 29, 2014
True Tori, Chrisley Knows Best
Hey Everyone, (I am talking to my 2 followers) Hi guys!! Ok, so I was watching True Tori, Which I love, and I love Tori, she is a fellow crafter, I love her personality, and despite her wealth, I think that if we lived near each other I think that we would be great friends!! That was before her latest issue that she says that if her new show got cancelled, she doesn't know how they would pay the bills, really? come on!! Right now they are renting a house, and if you watch her show, the house is very large, pretty, and spacious, but really, has the thought of getting a normal house, you know a 4 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath house, like the rest of us?? Is the thought of "downgrading" that Horrific, that they would not even entertain the thought?? It is just so hard to listen to rich celebrities complain about money!! I mean, get rid of the cleaning lady, get rid of the Nanies, ect, and buy a new regular house!!
Ok now on to one of my Favorite shows ever!!! Chrisley Knows Best!! I just love this show!! I just love that Todd (the Dad) is a huge controlling, over bearing, Flamboyant, meticulous ruler of his wife, employees and his respectful, polite, and hysterical, children. The littlest guy Grayson, is so funny!! Let me not forget Todds, mom, she just keeps everyone laughing, most of the time not on purpose!!! I just love this whole family, and Todd is a bit controlling, I just love when he wants to know where his kids are, and he thinks that they are lying to him, in a matter of minutes, his assistant can report back to him where the GPS on their cars says where they are, and he can also get the latest texts on their phone, to see what they are planning to do!! Now most of us who are parents are laughing at the ingenious ways that he parents, and in this day and age I really think that in this day and age it is needed.!! Although his oldest boy Kyle, last season he was having trouble with drugs and alcohol, so his family worked with him and put him into rehab, and he seemed to be doing better, and his parents were awarded joint custody with his baby Chloe's mother. Well on this season, Todd explains that Kyle is having a bit of a set back, and that they now have full custody of Kyles baby. Now I, as a mom, do not know how Chloe's mom could ever give full custody of an ex boyfriend's parents. I am assuming that a lot of money was involved, or she is having the same issues as Kyle, and this is the best result. This family is such a loving place for baby Chloe to be. I am not saying that it was about money, cause the Chrisley Family has a butload of it!! So I hope that this show lasts a while, cause it is extremely funny to watch, even though I think that some of it is scripted, I still love it!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Ok now on to one of my Favorite shows ever!!! Chrisley Knows Best!! I just love this show!! I just love that Todd (the Dad) is a huge controlling, over bearing, Flamboyant, meticulous ruler of his wife, employees and his respectful, polite, and hysterical, children. The littlest guy Grayson, is so funny!! Let me not forget Todds, mom, she just keeps everyone laughing, most of the time not on purpose!!! I just love this whole family, and Todd is a bit controlling, I just love when he wants to know where his kids are, and he thinks that they are lying to him, in a matter of minutes, his assistant can report back to him where the GPS on their cars says where they are, and he can also get the latest texts on their phone, to see what they are planning to do!! Now most of us who are parents are laughing at the ingenious ways that he parents, and in this day and age I really think that in this day and age it is needed.!! Although his oldest boy Kyle, last season he was having trouble with drugs and alcohol, so his family worked with him and put him into rehab, and he seemed to be doing better, and his parents were awarded joint custody with his baby Chloe's mother. Well on this season, Todd explains that Kyle is having a bit of a set back, and that they now have full custody of Kyles baby. Now I, as a mom, do not know how Chloe's mom could ever give full custody of an ex boyfriend's parents. I am assuming that a lot of money was involved, or she is having the same issues as Kyle, and this is the best result. This family is such a loving place for baby Chloe to be. I am not saying that it was about money, cause the Chrisley Family has a butload of it!! So I hope that this show lasts a while, cause it is extremely funny to watch, even though I think that some of it is scripted, I still love it!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Sunday, October 26, 2014
The Walking Dead, Amazing Wedding Cakes, and HGTV Love it or List it!!
Ok, so, my son got me watching this show, and I thought that I was going to hate it!! To my surprise, I loved it!!! I have seen my favorite characters be killed off, or I think that they were killed off, and then they show up later alive!! I think that is why I love it so much! I have to say that I was not to happy to see the people from the camp, who were slitting throats over a trough, and I am assuming that this is the way that farmers kill the animals that we eat, but this is not something that I like to think about at at all!! I was so surprised to see Bob who was stolen from right outside the church, knocked out cold, only to see him waking up by the fire, and missing a leg, and the people from the camp, just hangin' around eating poor Bob's leg like some sick kind of shish-ka-Bob!! Literally eating Bob on a stick! I am wondering if they are going to set him back loose to the church to show everyone that no one is safe!! Also with Daryl and Carol chasing down the guys that stole Beth!!
Is everyone going to think that Carol and Daryl were stolen like Bob was? I also have to say that I am in love with baby Judith, she just keeps getting cuter, and cuter, and if something happens to her, I will stop watching the show!!!
OK my next show that I have to vent about, and many of you don't care about cake decorating, and that is ok, it has to be a calling, either you love it, or hate it!! The show is called Amazing Wedding Cakes, and the episodes are old, which is also ok with me, but the problems that I have are, Why are they not making new ones, there are millions of home bakers that love the shows, but are dying to see new episodes!! The other issue is why are there like 4 seasons of shows, but they don't show all of 1 season, they show 5 or 6 of one season, and the same with the other shows, I mean come on!! I am a crafter, and I also love to decorate cakes, and I blame HGTV for the decline of all craft shows!! There used to be scrapbooking shows, jewelry making shows, ect, but HGTV, and DIY have all turned into decorating shows, and that is it, and it just bumms me out!! I mean, I love me some Love It, or List it! I love Hillary and David, but since we are on the subject, I don't know why Hillary is always the one that the families get mad at!! I mean she is AMAZING, and these people who give her these HUGE lists, and just a little budget, and then when she tells these people that she has to put on a new roof, or there is water in the basement, and she has to fix these deadly problems, or their houses will burn down by the faulty wiring, They yell at her, and they talk about how she is not doing what she promised that she would do, I mean Come on!! I know that it is just a show, and the fake acting, is clear, I would just like to see people take money from David!! I guarantee that when these people see what she does with their houses, they are kicking themselves that they didnt give her more money!! She is so incredibly talented, and I would sell one of my kids to have her come and do anything that she wanted to do at my house!! Ok well I feel better now, so I will be back, cause I can;t wait for the RHNJ part 1 of the Reunion show is on very soon!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Is everyone going to think that Carol and Daryl were stolen like Bob was? I also have to say that I am in love with baby Judith, she just keeps getting cuter, and cuter, and if something happens to her, I will stop watching the show!!!
OK my next show that I have to vent about, and many of you don't care about cake decorating, and that is ok, it has to be a calling, either you love it, or hate it!! The show is called Amazing Wedding Cakes, and the episodes are old, which is also ok with me, but the problems that I have are, Why are they not making new ones, there are millions of home bakers that love the shows, but are dying to see new episodes!! The other issue is why are there like 4 seasons of shows, but they don't show all of 1 season, they show 5 or 6 of one season, and the same with the other shows, I mean come on!! I am a crafter, and I also love to decorate cakes, and I blame HGTV for the decline of all craft shows!! There used to be scrapbooking shows, jewelry making shows, ect, but HGTV, and DIY have all turned into decorating shows, and that is it, and it just bumms me out!! I mean, I love me some Love It, or List it! I love Hillary and David, but since we are on the subject, I don't know why Hillary is always the one that the families get mad at!! I mean she is AMAZING, and these people who give her these HUGE lists, and just a little budget, and then when she tells these people that she has to put on a new roof, or there is water in the basement, and she has to fix these deadly problems, or their houses will burn down by the faulty wiring, They yell at her, and they talk about how she is not doing what she promised that she would do, I mean Come on!! I know that it is just a show, and the fake acting, is clear, I would just like to see people take money from David!! I guarantee that when these people see what she does with their houses, they are kicking themselves that they didnt give her more money!! She is so incredibly talented, and I would sell one of my kids to have her come and do anything that she wanted to do at my house!! Ok well I feel better now, so I will be back, cause I can;t wait for the RHNJ part 1 of the Reunion show is on very soon!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Monday, October 20, 2014
My Five Wives!!
Ok, I just have to begin by saying that To each, his own! If these people want to live together, and if they can afford to feed, and clothe and shelter their 24 children, I don't care what they do. So they seem to be doing all of that, and legally, the way I see it, he is only really "married" to his first wife Paulie, and technically he is just having affairs with the other 4 wives, Robyn, Rosemary, Nonie, and Rhonda and his actual wife knows about the affairs, so I don't see how their situation is breaking any laws! So if we are being honest, the husband, Brady is a lot easier to take than Cody from My Sister Wives. This family is a lot easier to watch than the Brown Family. This is a life that I could never have, I am a very needy person, and I am extremely jealous!! There is no way that I could handle my husband coming home, and then going to bed with another person. It just wouldn't happen!! So in this episode, one of the wives was jealous because when her husband had his 20th anniversary with his first wife he bought her a ring, and apparently the next wife in line Robyn went with him to pick it out, and purchase it. So she assumed that when their 20th anniversary came around she also would get a ring well yeah, that did not happen. So Robyn had a breakdown about it and went to him with the next wife in line Rosemary (I guess to kill 2 birds with one stone, and make sure when it comes to her 29th the would be no mistake and she would get her ring) and cried about the fact that she thought that she didn't get a ring and Paulie did and then the crying came, ect. So Brady said that he would make it right. Well to make it right he took her out to pick out a ring, I don't know about you, I don't want a ring from my husband if I have to tell him I wanted a ring and then I have to go and pick it out!! Anyway I guess it was good for her. He did also plan a really nice date and included her kids, so that was sweet! I guess we will have to keep watching to see this family and how it works, and to listen to the wives say how they love the way they live, and wouldn't change it, or have it any other way! I am not buying it, because Brady seems to be a great guy, but if you asked any of his wives if they could change the way they live, and just live with Brady, happily ever after, and all that, I guarantee that every one of his wives would jump at the chance to live just them and Brady, because deep down they are all women, and they are all in love with him, and we were all not built to share our lipstick, let alone our husbands!! So, next week they are going to try double dating, hahaha I can't wait to see that!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
RHNJ, The People's Couch!
Ok, so I just got through watching RHNJ and as I have said before, my daughter wont let me vent to here about all my shows, so I have to do it here, even if I am venting to myself!! So The Guidice got there sentences' I think that they were very fair, I mean they live in this country, apparently one of them might be deported, they don't pay taxes, they hide assets, and they don't live in a "used" house!! I feel so bad for them!! I however stress when I send my taxes in that my husband didn't put a period after his middle initial, but they just don't send theirs in, and just go off to one of their 3 houses that they can afford because they cheat the government!! I absolutely think that Joe should be deported, let him go rip off his own country!! OK I actually think I have gotten everything out that I want to say about them!! (if you believe that, you might have to be deported!! LOL
OK on to bigger and better things!! I have to say that my dream is to get on that show, The Peoples Couch!! The best show on television!! I mean it is in my blood to talk about shows! I actually think that I need to be on it with my Nephew Michael! He is the only one who vents with me about my shows!! I'm sorry, but I have to go back to Theresa and Joe, for one more second. I am just thinking about their kids, especially Gia. If Theresa goes into prison in January, and she gets out in April of 2016 and Gia is almost 14 now, she will be almost 16 when her mom gets out, and when her dad goes in, then Joe will not be there for her Junior Prom, Senior Prom, and even her graduation!! That is so sad. He will be out somewhere around her 20th birthday! WOW, I didn't even think of that! So this is the breakdown, Gia will be 19 when Joe is out, Gabriella will be 16, Milania will be 15, and the little one Audrianna will be 11, that is just sad. Those kids are going to have the next roughly 5 years of their own sentence while their mom, and dad will be gone from their lives, and they don;t deserve it, so I feel for them. I hope it was worth it to Joe and Teresa! Just Sayin' Karen♥
OK on to bigger and better things!! I have to say that my dream is to get on that show, The Peoples Couch!! The best show on television!! I mean it is in my blood to talk about shows! I actually think that I need to be on it with my Nephew Michael! He is the only one who vents with me about my shows!! I'm sorry, but I have to go back to Theresa and Joe, for one more second. I am just thinking about their kids, especially Gia. If Theresa goes into prison in January, and she gets out in April of 2016 and Gia is almost 14 now, she will be almost 16 when her mom gets out, and when her dad goes in, then Joe will not be there for her Junior Prom, Senior Prom, and even her graduation!! That is so sad. He will be out somewhere around her 20th birthday! WOW, I didn't even think of that! So this is the breakdown, Gia will be 19 when Joe is out, Gabriella will be 16, Milania will be 15, and the little one Audrianna will be 11, that is just sad. Those kids are going to have the next roughly 5 years of their own sentence while their mom, and dad will be gone from their lives, and they don;t deserve it, so I feel for them. I hope it was worth it to Joe and Teresa! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Threse and Joe, RHNJ
Ok I know I am late with this, but I have been so crazy, and do you know why??? Yes Theresa and Joe!!! I don't buy the whole "I just signed what the Lawyers told me to sign bull crap!!! I am so sick and tired with this whole thing!! Everyone knows that is not what happened, they didn't just sign the plea and didn't know what it meant!!! They are paying a ton for lawyers!! She and Joe are close knit? was that before or after he called her her the C word Why were they not thinking about their daughters when they were breaking the law? Shocked about the sentence?
To say that Melania doesn't know what is going on is ridiculous that kid needs super nanny to come straighten her out and I bet their family were all praying that Theresa and Joe didn't pick them to take care of those brats! I am only being truthful hahaha If she was worried about not being there for her girls, then don't break the law, I am not worried about my kids, but Oh yeah I didn't break the law! And if Joe is not paying his taxes, then he should be deported if that doesn't happen, then there really is no justice in this country!! Why was it so unexpected that she got time, why was it unexpected, again you broke the law I pay my taxes do you? All of her with her not gonna live in a used house I think that her lawyers should sue them for slander. We don't know how many counts they had, bull take responsibility for what you did! It was totally them trying to keep up with Joneses oh I mean the Gorgas!! False w2's remember when he stole his brothers license and the accident and then he goes in someones house and has a couple of drinks The way the show portrays her and they are not like that, so again I guess he never called her the C word I am sure that was the producers!! Definitly putting on a fake show this year! Her kids would have a good life in a 4 bdrm colonial with 2 bathrooms, cause what did all your money get your kids any happier?? not reporting assets They didnt know they had to list assets like Jewelry, cars atvs houses, what are assets to you guys ? Just Sayin' Karen♥
To say that Melania doesn't know what is going on is ridiculous that kid needs super nanny to come straighten her out and I bet their family were all praying that Theresa and Joe didn't pick them to take care of those brats! I am only being truthful hahaha If she was worried about not being there for her girls, then don't break the law, I am not worried about my kids, but Oh yeah I didn't break the law! And if Joe is not paying his taxes, then he should be deported if that doesn't happen, then there really is no justice in this country!! Why was it so unexpected that she got time, why was it unexpected, again you broke the law I pay my taxes do you? All of her with her not gonna live in a used house I think that her lawyers should sue them for slander. We don't know how many counts they had, bull take responsibility for what you did! It was totally them trying to keep up with Joneses oh I mean the Gorgas!! False w2's remember when he stole his brothers license and the accident and then he goes in someones house and has a couple of drinks The way the show portrays her and they are not like that, so again I guess he never called her the C word I am sure that was the producers!! Definitly putting on a fake show this year! Her kids would have a good life in a 4 bdrm colonial with 2 bathrooms, cause what did all your money get your kids any happier?? not reporting assets They didnt know they had to list assets like Jewelry, cars atvs houses, what are assets to you guys ? Just Sayin' Karen♥
Wednesday, September 3, 2014
Married at First Sight
OK!!!!!! I have been watching this show, and I actually like it!! It is a show about 3 couples who were picked by "experts" in their fields of finding matches for people. What is different about these couples is that they did not meet, till they were at the altar!! Yes, they got married on the day they met their spouses, they didn't even each others name!! I really like this guy his name is Doug, and Doug got matched up with Jamie. Jamie, is CRAZY!!! She had a breakdown when she saw Doug, she just wasn't attracted to him, and did not mind showing it, to him, his family, and the entire country!! The show follows them for 5 weeks, and at the end of the "experiment" they all have to decide if they will stay together, or if they will get divorced!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Friday, August 22, 2014
Real Housewives of OC
Hi again, I am back. I have been so busy, but I always have time to rant about my reality shows! This week I am going with RHOC. I will start with Heather, The first year that she was on, I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED her!!! This year however, she was a stuck up hoyty toyty I am to good for all of you, and you should be grateful that I allow you to walk the same earth that I do BIOTCH! I am so tired of hearing about the old house, and the new house, and the way that she talks to everyone, is disgusting, and she should be worried about what her behavior of this season is going to do to her kids when they get to the age when all of their private school friends start repeating what they are hearing from their mom's about her and the way she treats people! For that and only that I actually feel bad for her, because no mom wants to have their kids think that they aren't the most wonderful mom in the world! I do have to say that I LOVE Terry!! I love his new show, he is fantastic with Paul (Adrianne from RHBH ex-husband) They seem to have a great time, and they are just not the doctor that is there for the money, and would take your nose off your face, and convince you that you don't need it just to get a paycheck!! I was so sickened when Shannon's husband apologized for what he said at their "Breaking Ground" or as I like to call it,Their this is where our new massively over sized, over priced, people are starving in the world and I don't care, shove it into everyone's face, that we are gonna have this disgustingly huge house that we wont even need to use half of it cause we will lose our small children in Mansion!! Anyway, he apologized, and they accepted his apology to his face, but clearly they did not, cause they tore him a new one at dinner, and the worst part of the whole thing is that Eddie, Tamra's husband started the whole thing, and said worse things, and they said nothing to him, and then Eddie sat back while Shannon's husband was going through getting ripped a new one, and never said a word!! That is a real stand up kinda guy move Eddie!!! So while we are on the subject of Tamera, can we talk about her behavior this season?? She was the root of every single problem this season! If she were a friend of mine, well, she would not be a friend of mine! She was the root of all of all of Shannons problems, Shannon would confide in her, and Tamara couldn't even get through lunch without telling Heather what Shannon told her in confidence!! She was like Shannon, I am so sorry for you, you can confide in me, I will take it to the grave, ok well goodbye, gets to lunch, and Hi Heather, Shannons husband wants a divorce, she drinks to much, she is going through some really private horrible things, let me tell you all about it!!! Let's not forget the the Debrow's want to "take down" the Debores!! She is sickening!! How about her fake baby talking crying when her very adult son (28) is moving in with a girl!! It was pathetic!! She is just an attention seeking, fake crying, I need everything to be about me, and I will say and do anything to get it!! Eddie, isn't all he is cracked up to be either, he is not very nice to her, unless someone else is there!! Goes with all the attention seeking wife of his!! I do however really like the 2 new girls, Lizzie, who would look so unbelievably gorgeous, and she is pretty, but she would be fabulous if she took down the boob size a bit, it just makes her look fat, which she is not, but she looks a lot bigger than she is!! Well I am tired, so I will be back, cause I didn;t even get to Vicky, and Brooks, So have a great night!!! Just Sayin' Karen ♥
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Big Brother
Hi Again
I am just catching up on my reality shows, as you know, and I feel the need to vent about this weeks Big Brother. The house is being run by the boys, and the girls need to get their act together, and start playing the freakin game. However the girl that really needs to get her head out of her butt is Victoria!! Now I did not even know that she was even in the house let alone in the game!! So this week Cody is one of the Heads of Household, (cause now there are 2) and put the fictitious Victoria on the block with Brittney. The other nominee's are Jocasta and Amber who were put up by Frankie. The other person who I am not understanding but she just seems to float in front of the "house guests" is Jocasta!! Last week she was up on the block, and during the off the block competition she was eliminated, and I guess due to the sun or the heat she got sick, so she could not participate in the Power of Veto competition so again she was unable to take herself off, the block, so the adorable Donny played in the Power of Veto Competition, and he won, so he took her off. As far as I can see, that was a waste of a Veto, she doesn't do anything!!! So we now come to this week, and again Jocasta is up on the block again, and she was paired with Amber and she was eliminated first, and had to count on Amber to take them both off, and she then said that she was going to pray cause that is all that she has left, now personally, I think that God has more things to do besides make sure that Jocasta wins the competition!! Then the strangest thing that I have ever seen. She started I don't even know what you would call it! It was like she was in Iceland and was dressed in a bathing suit!!!! She was making a noise like when you are so cold and you are wet, and then someone gives you a piece of ice to sit on in a freezer!!! I don't have any idea what it was other than CRAZY!! I can't wait for next week!! I will be back to chat then!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
I am just catching up on my reality shows, as you know, and I feel the need to vent about this weeks Big Brother. The house is being run by the boys, and the girls need to get their act together, and start playing the freakin game. However the girl that really needs to get her head out of her butt is Victoria!! Now I did not even know that she was even in the house let alone in the game!! So this week Cody is one of the Heads of Household, (cause now there are 2) and put the fictitious Victoria on the block with Brittney. The other nominee's are Jocasta and Amber who were put up by Frankie. The other person who I am not understanding but she just seems to float in front of the "house guests" is Jocasta!! Last week she was up on the block, and during the off the block competition she was eliminated, and I guess due to the sun or the heat she got sick, so she could not participate in the Power of Veto competition so again she was unable to take herself off, the block, so the adorable Donny played in the Power of Veto Competition, and he won, so he took her off. As far as I can see, that was a waste of a Veto, she doesn't do anything!!! So we now come to this week, and again Jocasta is up on the block again, and she was paired with Amber and she was eliminated first, and had to count on Amber to take them both off, and she then said that she was going to pray cause that is all that she has left, now personally, I think that God has more things to do besides make sure that Jocasta wins the competition!! Then the strangest thing that I have ever seen. She started I don't even know what you would call it! It was like she was in Iceland and was dressed in a bathing suit!!!! She was making a noise like when you are so cold and you are wet, and then someone gives you a piece of ice to sit on in a freezer!!! I don't have any idea what it was other than CRAZY!! I can't wait for next week!! I will be back to chat then!! Just Sayin' Karen♥
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Rising Star
Ok, so I am trying to catch up on my Reality Shows, so today is Rising Star!! It is new this year, and the judges are Ludacris, Kesha, and Brad Paisley, a good mix of entertainers, however..... Who the heck picked Josh Grobin to host???? My lord!! He is creepy, and I mean creepy, and in case you are confused that is not good!! He is so creepy!! He has the personality of a doorknob and that really is not giving that door knob justice!! He is akward, goofy, and incredibly inappropriate!!!! He makes comments that just fall flat, and no one really knows what to say after it is out there, just sitting, lingering if you will, but not good!!! I like the show, but I just hope that if it comes back, and I hope it does, just without the creepy factor also knowm as JOSH GROBIN!!!!!
Just Sayin' Karen♥
Just Sayin' Karen♥
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Almost Gone, but I'm back
Ok, I know that I have been missing lately, but now that the Real Housewives of New Jersey has started again, I just have to vent!! I am shocked that Joe and Theresa have pleaded to some deal, where Theresa might go to jail for 2 years, and Joe for like 4!!! How did we go from him getting 10 years and being deported back to Italy, to just 4 years!!! Everyone knows what a huge dirt bag he is, the way he treated his wife, with the C word that he used while describing his wife to whatever tramp that he was screwing at the time!! Don't even get me started on her! If it were not for Bravo, she would never have her "cook" books, her Fabalini, and whatever crap she is hawking this year. The stupid act that she is playing is getting old! Well I feel much better, I will be back soon, to chat again!!
The Real,Real Housewife, Karen♥ Just Sayin'
The Real,Real Housewife, Karen♥ Just Sayin'
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