Well everyone, Just as predicted, Theresa from Housewives of NJ has been in jail for 2 months, and I am sure that you all would be shocked to hear, that her loving husband, (you know the one who called his wife the worst word that could you could be called) anyway, Joe, the one that got her in this mess, are you ready? Yes, Joe has been cheating on her with a woman that he met in a bar!!! I was as shocked as you are right now!! Well I cant waste time on something that everyone knew would happen!!
I will however talk about the alcoholic slut, who is ruining her face with whatever she is having someone do to it, from RHWBH yes, Brandy!! I mean come on!! When she is not throwing drinks at people, or slapping, or hitting, or having her HooHaa showing, or a nipple here or a nipple there, nipple everywhere, except in her dress!! She is a freakin' Train Wreck!!! She was so pretty in the beginning, but little by little she is doing Botox, fillers,and god knows whatever else, oh but not to leave out her HooHaa rejuvenation surgery, but that I don't care about, because I don't have to look at it!! However. give her time, and she will probably show that too!! Well I have to run, but I will be back, so don't miss me to much, haha cause I have no followers, there is no one to miss me!! LOL Karen♥