Friday, January 16, 2015

Theresa Goes to JAIL!!!!!!

Hi again,
I know that I am actually talking to myself, but that's ok!!  It just means that I don't bug my family with all of my comments about T.V. ! Haha  Not really, but that is what I tell them!!  I am a little scared that I am happy that Theresa Gudice went to prison.  Does that make me a bad person?  Haha Oh well, then It Is What It Is!!!  I think from the beginning of the RHNJ, I just thought she was so snobbish, especially when she was building a new house, cause she didn't want to live in a house where someone had lived in it before, she said it was gross!  Well Theresa, I guarantee that where you live right now, there was definitely someone living there before you!! I hated the way she treated people, thinking that she was better than everyone else in the world, and now her children are without her, and they are with their dad, and although that would not be a bad thing for 90% of the country, but in this situation, it is incredibly sad for this family. He is such a pig, he called his wife the worst name that a husband, or anyone to call another human being!!  Not only did he call their mother this, he did it on national Television, for them to see, hear for the rest of their lives, Now they can be reminded about it from friends, and strangers!  I hope that the kids can find a way to get over this, but I just don't see how!!

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