Hi All!!
Well it is with a heavy heart than I am writing today! I recently found out that the most perfect family on tv had a tarnished image. It has been reported that Joshua Duggar, the eldest of the Duggers (Jim Bob and Michelle) was reportedly in a bedroom of a girl and was caught coming out of a girls bedroom by his own dad when he was 17!! Jim Bob felt that it was something that he had to turn Joshua in to the State police! There is not much information being given, like how old was the girl? Until they publish or more information comes out, he very well have been coming out of a 15,16,or 17 year old girls room, and technically the girl would have been "underage" if it comes out that she was 14, or under then there would be an issue!! What is so crazy about this whole thing, is that this family whom watch every week, and their "rules" about not holding hands, and their side hugs, and this is all supposed to keep them pure for the one that they marry, but I have to say that this family talks more about kissing, hugging, and holding hands, they talk more about sex that I ever did in my family!! My dad would never would comment to me saying that I was pregnant, "Well I guess they figured it out" Who says that to their daughter?? It is creepy!! How about the girls are not allowed to wear jeans, or more importantly sweat pants!! They don't do that because, it brings impure thoughts!! I don't know about you, but I don't ever remember anyone in my family having "impure thoughts" when I wore sweatpants!! So I just feel that this family that continually talk about sex needs "chaperons" on their dates so they don't break the rules that they set up themselves!! I know that I never felt that I would do something so horrible that I would have needed someone else to come on my dates to keep me pure!! Oh well there is statistically probable that 1 of their 19 children will be gay, fall in love with someone of a different faith, or just someone wants to buy a tv!! They are one crazy family!!! Just sayin♥
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