Monday, August 13, 2012

Honey Boo Boo!!!

OK!!!  I like, I am sure the rest of you, have been on pins and needles waiting for this show to come on!!! I was at first thrilled, that it was going to be the train wreck that I thought it was going to be, but after the first episode, which I thought lived up to what I thought it would! I mean there is nothing like watching a bunch of women bobbing for RAW PIGS FEET that have been sitting in the sun for hours rotting, or people swimming in a river with flesh eating bacteria.  Although, if you are slightly concerned about losing an ear, or your face to the river, there is always the Mud Flop to cool you down! I do envy these women, or 1 woman, and her girls, bonding together and deciding to lose weight!!  I also applaud the mom for not worrying about what people think, and weighing herself on national T.V., and it is not her fault if the average home scale only goes to 300lbs., and that she might have to truck it on down to the local scrap metal yard to be weighed on the scale that they have on the side of the road at that Weigh Station, to weigh the Mac Trucks to make sure that they won't flip over going on an off ramp.  We all have our issues!!  How about that Sugarbear??? What a guy!! Living with all of this estrogen, no wonder he works 7 days a week!! I mean he has obviously turned to chewing tobacco, to help him cope with the whole situation, and he is also doing his part to save money. With all that chewing tobacco in his mouth, I don't think that there is room for teeth, so he is saving on tooth paste, floss, and the dentist!! Even though he works 7 days a week, he still finds the time to go to one of Alana's beauty pageants, where Alana did not do very well, and as any good dad would do, he went out to get her a pig, to cheer her up, and I just love the fact that although the pig is a boy, Alana has decided to name it Glitzy, and just say that it is a girl so it can just be gay, just like her uncle, who she affectionately calls "Poodle", (because everyone knows that poodles are gay?!?) and as any good gay uncle would do, he took Alana to get her first Mani/pedi, where we all learn that Alanas  uncle is missing a toe, and Alana's feet smell so bad that they are compared to Frito's!! Alana's mom, who was taking all the feedback that they got from the judges at the pageant about Alana after she did not do very well to heart, and she called an etiquette coach, to come to the house to help Alana, and her sister "Pumpkin" with their table manners.  Now this is the part that really bothered me.  I am all for sassy kids that are inappropriate, (as long as they are not mine), but when I watch the behavior of the 12 yr old, "Pumpkin" I am so afraid that her mom is setting her up to never want to better herself, or to act appropriately in front of someone if for some odd reason that she would come in contact with someone outside of the Red Neck Games, or that she would ever go somewhere where Cheese Balls are not a breakfast staple!! I think that it is great that these girls don't care what other people think about them, mostly because I always worry about what other people think about what I do, think, say, and look like. I am glad that she doesn't worry about those things, but I wish that she would think more about how she thinks about herself. Anyway, you have got to love that little Honey Boo Boo, and I am now on a pursuit to get me one of those little pigs!! Talk about CUTE!!!! So as far as this show goes, I can't wait till next week, and I have already been scouring the newspapers to find me one of those food auctions!!!!! What a dream land!!! If anyone hears about one of these please let me know!!! Till next time, Karen♥


  1. This show made my day! And I completely agree, I want to attend a food auction too :)


    1. Thanks Heather, I have a special surprise for you, Thanks for being my first commenter!!! karen♥
