Hi All, or at least Hi to any of my 3 followers!! I know it says that I have 4 followers, but I sadly am one of my own followers!! Yes, sad but true!! Anyway, my sister is up visiting from VA, with her 3 beautiful girls, so I have been spending all free time cuddling, with them, so I am going to rant about all the shows that I saw this week all in one post!! Oh where to begin, I guess I have to start with The Real Housewives of NJ!! I guess I have to start with Theresa and Joe, I can not understand how 2 people that are obviously in capable of existing in the real world, are allowed to have children. I am actually convinced that if they did a study of some of the most messed up human beings on the planet, they would find that these messed up people had parents that were as messed up as Theresa and Joe. This week on the show, Joe was not capable of carrying on any one conversation that included more than him knowing his name. Now I am not talking about his whole name, just his first name. Now nothing really happened this week that is really worth mentioning except when they were all having a little birthday celebration for Caroline's 50th birthday!! Everything was going fine, until Joe get's up from the table and says that he has to call work. The first problem of that statement is, Does Joe have a work to call into?, and when he made his call, he went very far from the table, and was clearly talking to someone that was not a person that works with him, or for him.Then Theresa came towards him, he said into the phone, "Here comes my Bitch of a wife!" Then out of the blue he says, "She is such a C%*#@!!! I couldn't believe it!! It is by now clearly he is talking to his mistress, and he is cheating on Theresa!!! So he then says how he has to get off the phone, and Theresa takes this opportunity to have sex in the Vineyard, but Joe want's no part of it, but she pushes, begs, and pleads, till he finally gives in, and they have sex, in full view of the other cast mates, and the camera crew! So Classy!!! I think that is all I have to say on this week. On to Dance Mom's this week I was very surprised to
see Abby is capable of a human emotion other than anger, greed frustration, hatred, spite, and a few other ones that are really only used by a special few people such as Abby. However this week, I saw with my own eyes, Abby use pride, happy, joy, and a few other words that the fact that I am using them in this article my computer should spontaneously blow up! !! Things were going well, Abby told one of the kids other than Maddy that they did a good job!! I know!!!!! It is the ADC's annual recital, and Abby is out for new students!! I also am not understanding why Kelly is not following the doctors instructions and is letting Paige dance at all. You know that Abby is all talk when it comes to kicking kids out, and their contracts. Kelly should just have her wait out the couple of weeks that the doctor wants her off of it. I just want to end this week with a touch on the subject of Teen Mom. This is the final season of the original Teen Mom, and it is a doozy!! I have never liked Farrah, I don't understand her relationship with her and her Mom and Dad. I don't understand why she calls her dad Michael, and her mom,she just calls her mom. I thought that Nichael was her stepdad, but I have since found out that he is her real dad, but then why does she call him Michael?? Anyway, she is a horrible person, the way she treats her mom is disgusting!!! I don't know what happened in the past, but I do know that she called the police on her mom when they had a fight, and her mom was arrested. If her mom was abusing her, then I am glad that she did call the police, but if my mom hurt me in any way, I would never let my mom take care of my child, not for a second, but here is Farrah, giving her child away to her mom for a month, so it will not be so inconvenient for Farrah, now that she is starting school. I also can't believe how Farrah acted in Texas, when she went with her boyfriend of a couple of months. She went to meet his parents, and friends. I was horrified when they were out to dinner, and Daniels step mom mentioned that she always wanted children, and Farrah then proceeds to ask her how old she is, and when the woman said 50, Farrah was so rude, saying "WOW you are out of luck now, so you are so old, you will never have a baby" it was so awful, I can't believe no one punched her out!! Well after non stop talk about marriage, Farrah couldn't understand why her boyfriend of a couple of months never showed up at the hotel, or for the plane ride home!!! That's it for now, karen♥
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