Monday, October 20, 2014

RHNJ, The People's Couch!

Ok, so I just got through watching RHNJ and as I have said before, my daughter wont let me vent to here about all my shows, so I have to do it here, even if I am venting to myself!! So The Guidice  got there sentences' I think that they were very fair, I mean they live in this country, apparently one of them might be deported, they don't pay taxes, they hide assets, and they don't live in a "used" house!! I feel so bad for them!! I however stress when I send my taxes in that my husband didn't put a period after his middle initial, but they just don't send theirs in, and just go off to one of their 3 houses that they can afford because they cheat the government!!  I absolutely think that Joe should be deported, let him go rip off his own country!! OK I actually think I have gotten everything out that I want to say about them!! (if you believe that, you might have to be deported!! LOL

   OK on to bigger and better things!! I have to say that my dream is to get on that show, The Peoples Couch!!  The best show on television!! I mean it is in my blood to talk about shows! I actually think that I need to be on it with my Nephew Michael!  He is the only one who vents with me about my shows!!  I'm sorry, but I have to go back to Theresa and Joe, for one more second.  I am just thinking about their kids, especially Gia.  If Theresa goes into prison in January, and she gets out in April of 2016 and Gia is almost 14 now, she will be almost 16 when her mom gets out, and when her dad goes in, then Joe will not be there for her Junior Prom, Senior Prom, and even her graduation!! That is so sad.  He will be out somewhere around her 20th birthday! WOW, I didn't even think of that! So this is the breakdown, Gia will be 19 when Joe is out, Gabriella will be 16, Milania will be 15, and the little one Audrianna will be 11, that is just sad.  Those kids are going to have the next roughly 5 years of their own sentence while their mom, and dad will be gone from their lives, and they don;t deserve it, so I feel for them. I hope it was worth it to Joe and Teresa!  Just Sayin'  Karen♥

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