Thursday, September 20, 2012

Big Brother

I h ave just one thing to say!! (I know it is not possible right) O.K. a couple things to say, First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS IAN!!!!!!  I knew you could do it!!  I am so glad that you beat Dan!! I used to think that he was a really good player, but now I can see that his morals are so out of WHACK, that he swore on the Bible, ( which, some people don't believe in the Bible, or God,) so I gave him that, and said he just must not believe, that is how he swore on the Bible, cause he doesn't believe, so it doesn't make a difference.  However, he then swore on his wedding rings, again a Horrifying thing to do, but again, maybe he doesn't believe in God, but then does that mean anything, if he was married in the church, so on that point, he is back to does he believe in God, or is his marriage a fraud also?!?  Getting past that, he gave Ian his Grandfathers chain that he never takes off, regardless if it had a cross on it(which it does) it was his grandfathers.  I am all for the scheming that must go on to play the game, but when you lose every moral, or anything that is sacred to you, religious or not, it is not worth the game!!! Shame on you Dan!!  I do also want to say that IAN, was so excited to be there, among all the players that he admired from the age of 10 when he started watching the show, and he managed to win AND keep his morals!!!   Just Sayin' Karen♥

1 comment:

  1. I was so excited to see Ian win!! I couldn't stand Dan and the way that he played Danielle was terrible. I would never have given him my vote if I were her.
    What did you think of the Real Housewives of New Jersey finale?? I have completely lost all respect for Theresa (not that I had much to begin with). Plus, Kim D. is a real piece of work isn't she?!?! I can't wait for the reunion.

